Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 264 The Germination of Emotion 2

Chapter 264 The Germination of Emotion 2
"What is your purpose for doing this?" Li Kaiyan faced Jack's ice cube face before she finished her joy.

"You care about me, you are a poor butler, you are too lenient, cut it!" Li Kaiyan reproached Jack angrily, isn't he just a butler?What are you pretending to do all day long!

Jack looked at the back of Li Kaiyan leaving with her schoolbag on her back, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

Cheng Jiaxuan arrived at the door of Class [-], Grade [-], and saw Xu Yingzhen talking to Su Qingbin.I don't know why the good and well-trained calmness on weekdays is gone.

"Xu Ying!" Cheng Jiaxuan's tone was not very friendly but he still tried his best to maintain his usual gentleness.

Xu Ying looked up and saw Cheng Jiaxuan appearing at the door of the classroom with a blushing face.

"Why are you here? Are you going to Brother Tan's place today?" Xu Ying asked differently.

When Su Qingbin saw the person who came in, his expression immediately became unsightly.

"Binbin, this is Cheng Jiaxuan, you should know each other, right?!" Xu Ying realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Su Qingbin took a deep breath and said, "Hello, my name is Su Qingbin, and I'm Xiaoying's deskmate!"

Cheng Jiaxuan felt uneasy for a moment. Does the tablemate need to be so close? I don't even know what the name of my tablemate is!

"Heh, I'm Cheng Jiaxuan, the first one in the English competition, you seem to have participated too? What's the number?" Cheng Jiaxuan raised an embarrassing question immediately.

Xu Ying gave Cheng Jiaxuan a blank look, how could this person treat Zhengtai like this!One was easily shortlisted because he had learned English in his previous life, and the other Cheng Jiaxuan grew up abroad. How could poor Su Qingbin win?

"You! Cheng Jiaxuan, don't be too complacent, I won't lose to you in the future!" Su Qingbin has never been a good-tempered person.

Xu Ying looked at Su Qingbin, who was even more hostile, a little surprised. This... By the way, isn't the squad leader always very gentle and has no temper...why...!
"Oh? If you don't lose to me, it might be more difficult!" Cheng Jiaxuan immediately felt better when he saw Su Qingbin who lost his composure.

Su Qingbin's big eyes filled with tears of grievance, he stopped talking to Cheng Jiaxuan, turned to Xu Ying and said, "Xiaoying, you have to remember what I just said!" After speaking, he even stepped forward to give Xu Ying a hug.

After embracing him, he turned around and took his schoolbag to smack Cheng Jiaxuan and left the classroom.

Xu Ying felt inexplicable, but Su Qingbin was leaving soon, hey, there was no other way, please leave a contact information before leaving this time!Anyway, I now have a phone at home!
(End of this chapter)

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