Chapter 291
Meng Tianyi looked at the marked circles on the map strangely, knowing that this girl has many ways to do it, she even made the map for herself.

"Xiaoying, you are driving me away!" Meng Tianyi knew that Xu Ying was determined to waste money.

Xu Ying pointed to the map, and according to her previous impression, circled the central area with a red pen.You can buy as much as you can.

"Brother, I'm not chasing you. You also know that it's an opportunity for us to do business. I don't want to say anything else. I just want to say that your going this time will affect our future life and death. If you can use this little money to buy The most land, then we will only succeed in the future, not lose!"

Xu Ying spoke with confidence.Nonsense, this is Shenzhen City, every inch of land here will be gold in the future, if you buy it now, it will be multiplied by hundreds of times in the future, even if the business in Beicheng kills her, once you sell the land in Shenzhen City, you will be a rich man.

Meng Tianyi looked at Xu Ying's serious and confident expression, and Xu Ying was not a child who messed around.Meng Tianyi dubiously listened to Xu Ying's instructions.

"Xiaoying, I'll try my best anyway!"

Listening to Xu Ying's life and death, Meng Tianyi felt that the pressure on her body seemed a little heavy...

Xu Ying explained it carefully.Before leaving, he said: "Brother, Jack will go with you when you leave. It seems that Cheng Jiaxuan is also going to buy it. He has already issued two certificates for you. When the time comes, you will help me and Cheng Jiaxuan go buy land..."

Meng Tianyi nodded, it turned out that Cheng Jiaxuan was also thinking about buying land, it seems that there is something really wrong with this matter?Meng Tianyi knew that Cheng Jiaxuan's family was well-off, and he was not an ordinary second-moving kid.After analyzing it in this way, the two children are looking at things together.Should be right.

In fact, Xu Ying originally just wanted to ask Jack to go with Meng Tianyi. After all, it was her own capital for so long, with 10 yuan. I was afraid that it would cause unnecessary trouble, so I approached Cheng Jiaxuan, who knew that Cheng Jiaxuan agreed without saying a word, but he wanted to buy all the land beside Xu Ying's land.

Anyway, I only have 10 yuan, can I still buy all the land in Shenzhen City?If he wants to buy it, just buy it...

After explaining to Meng Tianyi here, Xu Ying is ready to go back.Before leaving, Li Qiang ran over and asked, "Xiaoying,"

"En..." Xu Ying looked at him with a hesitant expression and didn't know what he wanted to express.
"Xiaoying, I want to take some time to visit my father. I heard from my aunt that it was at your friend's" Li Qiang said it very shyly, but Xu Ying couldn't bear it.I ignored this myself.

"I'm sorry Brother, I neglected this matter. Tomorrow, I'll tell Brother Meng to call a car to pick you up."

"Really?" Li Qiang was very happy to hear that he would see his father tomorrow, but he didn't know how his father was recuperating.Hey.

"By the way, Big Brother Meng may have to go out for a few days. Can you take care of this shop yourself?" Xu Ying asked again worriedly.

"Ah, big brother is leaving, it should be fine, when will big brother leave?" Li Qiang asked.

"What's the matter, it might only be a few days!" Xu Ying replied.

Li Qiang scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "Then I will take advantage of these two days to write down the goods and the price carefully, or I will owe my brother a debt before the time!"

Xu Ying was very happy when she heard Li Qiang's answer. Being able to think this way shows that Li Qiang is really a child!

(End of this chapter)

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