Chapter 294
Xu Ying's way of speaking was too harsh, which made Xu Chenghai startled when he saw Xu Ying speak like this for the first time. Is this his 5-year-old daughter... But looking at the dumbfounded landlord, Xu Chenghai felt that there was nothing wrong with this Well, at least now it seems that Xiaoying really hit it off...

"You, what are you talking about? Really, I am such a nice house, you say it's dead... You are really vicious!" The small-eyed man retorted with a guilty conscience.

"Hehe, this uncle, I don't know whether this house is dead or not, but I'm sure that this house is definitely not something that we will be fine after we buy it. In other words, this house must be a problem, so I think we should not buy it." , you leave it to the person who looks at the house in the afternoon!"

What Xu Ying said at the beginning was just a test, but now she said these words because she was absolutely sure that there was something wrong with the landlord's house.

Li Hui and Xu Chenghai could also see that the landlord was a little guilty. It seems that whether the house can be bought or not has to be considered. After all, it is such a large sum of money. Ying said that she bought a problematic house, and that would be troublesome.

The small-eyed landlord suddenly lost his temper, "Then go, I'll wait for someone else!"

Oh?Do not sell?Xu Ying smiled lightly, and it's fine if she doesn't sell it.Turn around and pull Li Hui and Xu Chenghai out of the house.

After going downstairs, Li Hui looked at the community, the lush green area, the open grass, and the old people enjoying the cool downstairs... My eyes are a little blurry, can't I live here...

Xu Ying noticed her mother's sense of loss. In Xu Ying's eyes, this place is an ordinary family courtyard, but it is a 6-story building, but the contrast between this place and the grandma's house where she lives now is too strong... It makes people feel that here It's so sunny and beautiful, the tube building where I live is a bit like a mouse's burrow...

"Mom, let's take another look, don't rush to buy a house right now!" Xu Ying squeezed the gentle hands that were holding her own.

Li Hui adjusted her mood, smiled and said to Xu Ying: "Look again, mom didn't say anything, does Xiaoying have anything to say?"

Uh, woman... Obviously Li Hui really wanted to buy that house, Xu Ying could see it.

Xu Chenghai was also depressed. He originally thought that he would come to see the house today, so he bought it, but it turned out... But Xiaoying did it for the good of the family. If there is a problem with the house, with so much money, he must be depressed for a long time...

The three of them had their own thoughts, and walked out of the community a little bit defeated.

"Will you come to see the house in Unit 1?" The old man sitting downstairs stopped the three of them.

"Grandma, do you know that house?" Xu Ying used to hate sitting in the yard talking about right and wrong, the head of the house, these old women and women who are short by the Li family... But now, Xu Ying's face is full of cute smiles, They are so cute.

"Well, who doesn't know, I advise you not to buy his house!" The old woman thinks that the little girl Xu Ying is likable and has a sweet mouth.

"Auntie, why don't you buy it? I think the house facing south is very good!" Xu Chenghai couldn't bear his temper. To be honest, Xu Chenghai hates these old ladies in the yard. Why?Why did I and Li Hui almost get divorced at the beginning? Wasn't it the gossip of the seven aunts and eight aunts in the yard...

The old woman was obviously dissatisfied with Xu Chenghai, she looked at Xu Chenghai as if saying that he had no experience at all.

You young people will see that the house has a good orientation, and if you bought that house, you must regret it! The old lady glared at Xu Chenghai.

(End of this chapter)

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