Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 331 Establishing a Company 8

Chapter 331 Establishing a Company 8
Ouyang Yuxuan wasn't too polite, he ate the tofu and said, "Didn't I bring you the contract because I was afraid that you would be in a hurry?"

contract?Once the contract is signed, the money will come naturally.Xu Ying put the breakfast in her mouth twice, wiped her hands and picked up the contract to read.

Ouyang Yuxuan on the side was eating, looking at Xu Ying's serious face, thinking in his heart, does this little girl really understand these French rules?

After a while, when Ouyang Yuxuan "chewed slowly" the breakfast, Xu Ying also put down the document in Xu Ying's hand.


"Ouyang, are you trying to test my legal knowledge on purpose, or because I'm young and easy to bully? If you play word games like this, we don't need to cooperate!" Xu Ying slammed the document in her hand on the table heavily.

Ouyang Yuxuan looked at Xu Ying's angry little face, and smiled all of a sudden, laughing at his unreasonable thoughts yesterday, thinking that he really underestimated this girl, Cheng Jiaxuan said before that he didn't believe it, why did Cheng Jiaxuan and him fight? Because of her family background, what kind of background does this little girl want?Not at all, so how could she understand this? Cheng Jiaxuan said that he just took it as a coincidence, and laughed at Cheng Jiaxuan's young age... Now, he wants to take back these words.

"Xiaoying... I just..."

"Just? I just think my family is a working class that doesn't even have a P, so I shouldn't understand? I just think I'm easy to be bullied when I'm young? It's just that I'm not as rich as a wealthy family like you and Cheng Jiaxuan?" Xu Ying roared angrily. road.Fortunately, Aunt Zhao went out to do morning exercises. If she hadn't seen her good-looking grandson like this, she might have wondered if her granddaughter was possessed by evil spirits, right?
Ouyang Yuxuan's face was embarrassed, he wanted to explain but felt he couldn't say it, he really thought so... But does the reaction need to be so big? ...

"Xiaoying, I admit that I'm a bit of that... But can you stop being so angry... I think this is just a good-natured joke..." Ouyang Yuxuan argued for himself.

"A joke? What's a joke? We agreed to cooperate, and now you give me such a cooperation contract, making it clear that I am a fool? Or if I don't see it today and sign it stupidly, you will talk to me behind my back." Those cronies of yours are talking about how stupid I am? A joke? What a joke!"

If such words come out of the mouth of an adult, they may be angry words, but when they come out of the mouth of a five-year-old child, others will feel that, apart from being weird, they will feel cold...

Ouyang Yuxuan is like this, he regrets that he suddenly came up with an idea to test Xu Ying yesterday... It seems that he has touched someone's bottom line...

"Xiaoying, um, I'll wait for you at the health care center tomorrow afternoon, come here when you're angry, I'll bring the money and the contract with me tomorrow, don't be angry, I just want to see if you're that boy Axuan You said it so powerfully...don't be angry...remember tomorrow!" Ouyang Yuxuan immediately left the door after speaking.

The room was quiet, except for the occasional shouts of knife sharpeners from downstairs. Xu Ying sat on the stool without moving for a while, then got up to make a cup of tea and put it on the table. She didn't know why suddenly Make such a big fire.

What are you angry about?Is it because others underestimate him and get angry?Or is it because of Ouyang's mentality?Your own inferiority complex?In fact, even if I have a little money now, the money in my hand is much more than that of ordinary families, and the house I live in is better. It's not like living in a dark and messy tube building before. I still feel inferior in my heart, right?This inferiority complex is the imprint of the previous life.In fact, even if Ouyang Yuxuan brought such a document today, he shouldn't be so angry, right? ...Xu Ying felt a little troubled by her out-of-control temper.

(End of this chapter)

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