Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 339 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 5

Chapter 339 The Beginning of Mechanism Reform 5
Wang Faren was taken aback, glanced at his son on the side, and said, "He? Just work honestly in the bank!" He didn't have much hope for this son. He just studied well since he was a child, but his ability to deal with interpersonal relationships was terrible!

"Director Wang, I may have to trouble your son in the future!" Xu Ying said jokingly.

Wang Faren's small eyes flashed, and he smiled immediately: "It's okay, just speak up if you have something to do!"

Wang Zhi stood aside, but his face was full of reluctance.He had a feeling that he was being fooled. At the bank counter, the little girl who told him obediently that her father was too busy suddenly became a businessman stronger than his mother. Call him unacceptable.

Xu Ying took Wang Zhi's displeasure into consideration, but it was only temporary. If he was used in the future, he would not help her. She still had the card of his mother in her hand. If she did not help herself, he would always help him. mother? (Recently, there are a lot of words and words. When I wrote them, I really...)

Since the above issued a document to reform the country's supply and marketing cooperatives, the dullness of the past has been swept away. In addition, the pace of the market economy has become faster and faster. Many small shops and small vendors have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Even the business of the small shop in Xiguan Primary School was affected day by day.

So Xu Ying suggested that Huang Hai not allow street stalls to be placed in front of the school. The reason is to keep the roads in front of the school clean and spacious. In fact, this is what Xu Ying learned in her previous life. Even if Xu Ying doesn't suggest it, Huang Hai will think about it sooner or later , but Xu Ying didn't want to wait.

Some time after the establishment of the company, Xu Ying made all kinds of solid soups in the health care center, which can be bought directly to drink at home, which is cheaper than in the store, and can also be taken away.It has increased a lot of income. The key point is that the row of Huamei Dingtian Co., Ltd.'s signboards has gone out.

This plan is also the same, Xu Ying asked Zhang Qi and Zhang Zeguo of Quande Building to do it, and the response was equally good, after all, the size of Quande Building is limited, it is impossible for all the guests who come every day to eat.In this way, those who can't wait to eat can also taste the roast duck of Quandelou. Similarly, the words of Huamei Dingtian Co., Ltd. in the row below have caught people's attention.

With this first step, Tan Ao was satisfied, Zhang Qi was even more satisfied, and even Zhang Zeguo, who had always had an ordinary attitude, praised Xu Ying.This method not only increases income and sales, but also spreads the brand of our own home to other places, and there is no longer any regional limitation.

But one bad thing is that there is one less important place to sell this kind of solid vacuum-packed food in this era, and that is-supermarkets.

Xu Ying misappropriated money in various ways. In just two years, her account has nearly broken one million. Even Tan Ao can now take out nearly ten thousand yuan of savings, which is no longer the case when Xu Ying asked him to borrow money two years ago. The embarrassment of money.

For two years, the only thing Xu Ying regretted was that Li Hua hadn't woken up. In addition, for two years, Xu Ying never saw Cheng Jiaxuan again. There was no phone call, no letter, and no news from Jack. A few times Ouyang, Ouyang just faltered and refused to speak.Xu Ying didn't ask anymore, but at the end of each year when dividends were distributed, Xu Ying opened another account and put his shareholder's money in it.

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(End of this chapter)

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