Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 347 Auction 7

Chapter 347 Auction 7
Tan Ao took over the formalities and looked carefully. Xu Ying next to him, pretending to be ignorant, pulled Tan Ao's arm to look at it. Tan Ao had no choice but to put the document slightly lower, and looked at it together.Xu Ying carefully read the contents of each document, and there was no problem.It seems that what the host said is true, it is the money...

When the old man at the side saw this scene, his eyes flashed brightly. The child brought up by this middle-aged man made her feel that it was not as simple as just a child.Why?It's normal for kids to be weird about files.But I'm afraid there aren't too many children who watch so carefully, right?There is a problem, there is definitely a problem.

The people in the hall were silent, as if they were the ones reading the document at the moment.

After a while, Tan Ao flipped through the contents of the last page of the document.Staring at the young host auctioneer, he said, "Okay, let someone come to justice now."

The young host was a little dazed, and asked blankly, "Then... money..."

Without saying a word, Tan Ao took out a pile of money from another bag, put it on the table, and said, "Order!"

Everyone secretly exclaimed, it turns out that the boss has left behind!But no one was disgusted, but there was a feeling of joy.After counting the money, the handover procedure is completed.This Dahua Hotel has officially become Xu Chenghai's property. That's right, today's procedure was to use Xu Chenghai's ID card and the name of Huamei Dingtian Company to take pictures.

After finishing the formalities, just as Tan Ao was about to leave, the old man from the previous auction came over and asked in an inquiring tone, "May I ask your Excellency...?"

Tan Ao smiled and said: "I was just ordered by someone to run errands for the company!"

Uncertain and complicated eyes flashed in the old man's eyes, and he asked again: "You Huamei Dingtian have been doing a lot lately!"

Xu Ying wasn't sure about the old man's identity, so she didn't dare to speak rashly, so she pretended to be a child and began to play with chopsticks on the table. Seeing Xu Ying like this, Tan Ao knew She didn't want to show anything wrong in front of the old man, so she said with a smile: "This is all the company's decision, I'm also a part-time job!"

Part-time job, heh, the old man doesn't believe it, even the ghosts don't believe it.Going out these days and taking hundreds of thousands casually, and coming back, you said you were working part-time without even frowning?Do not believe!

"Then we have a chance to see each other again! I would like to ask, what will you do with this Dahua?" the old man asked unwillingly.

Tan Ao continued to laugh, and said modestly: "How can I know the company's decision! Hehe!"

The old man didn't say anything anymore. Today's auction was settled, and he failed.But I was still a little surprised that after so many detours, this man came here?Originally, when he was at 30 today, he wanted to let go. What the little girl said still entered his heart, but he was curious about how far this man could go. After some testing, he could only say one sentence It's hard to say!

Before leaving, the old man saw the happy little girl squatting on the ground again, was it his illusion?I always feel that this child is not as simple as an ordinary child. She has looked at herself a few times today, and each time her eyes are not so childish...


After everyone left, Xu Ying stood up.

Ouyang joked, "Xiaoying, if you are like this every day, I think you are a normal kid!"

Xu Ying raised her eyebrows: "Are you saying that I don't look normal..."

These words made Ouyang blush all of a sudden, and made Tan Ao burst into laughter. Isn't Xu Ying just too abnormal...

Thank you—reader Chang Jiaqi, I am lucky to have such a caring reader like you.Thanks, thanks!I am very happy to see the long review, thank you! !kisses.

(End of this chapter)

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