Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 349 Opening Up the Market 2

Chapter 349 Opening Up the Market 2
Tan Ao saw that Xu Ying was about to talk about business, so he went downstairs to greet them, and ordered some food for their room. He must be starving after not eating for a day.

On the other hand, Ouyang stuffed peanuts into his mouth vigorously, starving to death. Is this a restaurant? After a day of starvation, only the peanuts on the table can be eaten, but he focused more on what this little girl wanted to say.

For a while, the two men and one boy in the room were waiting for Xu Ying to say what she had planned.Now they all have a feeling that every time Xu Ying makes a decision, their fate will change accordingly.

For example, Meng Tianyi, if he hadn't seen Xu Ying as her girl more than two years ago, he would not have bought her those paintings, and she would not have chosen him to cooperate. If he didn't trust Xu Ying, he wouldn't believe what a child said If not, he will not get all the non-staple food contracts from the government.

The same goes for Huang Hai, he knows very well that this transfer order is a signal from the higher ups that he wants to be promoted, otherwise he wouldn't be transferred from elementary school to junior high school, why?The reason is that he has undertaken several large-scale activities of the provincial education system, which are full of new ideas. This is because of Xu Ying's advice, but also because of his own interests, his precise education analysis in front of Duan Qi, and the foresight of the English competition. It's what makes him stand out.

Not only has his official career progressed, but the money in his passbook is not owned by ordinary people now. Why can't his daughter-in-law, Lao Li, keep his mouth shut all day long?
Xu Ying took a sip of water, thought for a while and said, "Brother Meng, I want you to close the grocery store!"

This sentence made Meng Tianyi almost pop his eyes out. "Xiaoying, I plan to take over my family this year. The whole family is pointing at this shop..."

Of course Xu Ying knew why Meng Tianyi said that, he finally made some money, he was reluctant.Looking at Huang Hai's thoughtful frown, he probably guessed what Xu Ying was going to say to him next.

"The two of you have just been working together, so I'll just finish!"

Huang and Meng both nodded.

"I bought Dahua this time because I wanted to build a supermarket. You all know the structure of Dahua. It has two floors, upstairs and downstairs. I think these two floors will be used as a supermarket. You will manage the daily life, big brother, and Li Auntie is in charge of the finances!" Xu Yingyan said concisely, and first told the two of them what to do.

It's just that both of them asked Xu Ying a question: "What is a supermarket!?"

Uh... this... "That's right, everything is in there, such as food, clothing, everything in it!" Xu Ying also talked about some business models and told the two of them.Although the supermarket in the future will integrate food, clothing and household appliances, but the conditions are not mature now, what she has to do is to gradually improve it step by step, and the food and daily necessities must be the first thing to do.

After listening to it and thinking about it, the two came to a conclusion that this girl would eat everything, a hodgepodge?But think about it, a store has everything, if you, do you want to carry a bunch of things to buy from house to house, or go to a store that has everything, and you can leave after shopping?Yes, there is a market.

Ouyang on the side looked at Xu Ying thoughtfully. The supermarket she was talking about existed abroad, but according to the information, she had never been out of Beishi since she was a child. The farthest place was Beijing where she went with Cheng Jiaxuan, right?Where did she know about it?Even if it is heard, where did such a detailed plan come from?

Ouyang Yuxuan looked at Xu Ying while answering the questions raised by Meng Tianyi and Huang Hai in turn, while looking at Xu Ying, apart from a tacit admiration, there was also a little bit of inquiry.

PS: Exam tomorrow.hey-hey.Please support the new book.

(End of this chapter)

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