Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 371 Unexpected Disaster 10【End of 7】

Chapter 371 Unexpected Disaster 10【End of 7】

After Huang Hai heard this, his eyes unconsciously drifted to Xu Ying who was at the side.Others don't know these two stores, the old lady doesn't know, but he does know who the owner of this company is, the kid beside him, Xu Ying.

Xu Ying also heard her grandmother's analysis, and the more she listened, the more she felt that this was the truth, but she still didn't understand why three people were invited to drink tea at the same time?In addition, if you really want to find out the boss, your father will probably go in too.

Just after Huang Hai and Xu Ying exchanged glances, Li Hui came back from the opposite house.Seeing Li Hui's heavy steps, Xu Ying knew, come on, her father has also been invited to drink tea.Headache.

"Mom... woo woo woo woo..." Li Hui began to sob as soon as she entered the door, causing Xu Ying to have a headache.

"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Aunt Zhao asked.

"Woo...Old Xu also went in! He said he was taken away from the unit today to assist in the investigation!" Li Hui cried.

Aunt Zhao frowned, "Xiao Xu also has something to do with Huamei?"

Li Hui nodded, and talked about how she helped Cheng Jiaxuan connect the company.

Aunt Zhao glanced at Xu Ying again, and then said: "Don't worry, go and ask Xiao Xu's colleagues to see what's going on! Don't cry, it's not that he committed a crime!"

Xu Ying's calm mood just now was extremely depressed again.She doesn't know about the others, but what she can be sure of is Li Qiang, at least he didn't go to prison before she burped, and her father, Xu Chenghai, almost got into a drunk fight, but he was only detained for a while. In the end, it was solved by spending money. Now everyone has more official complaints for no reason, and it is their own reason, right? ...

Smiling wryly, Xu Ying turned around and entered the room without speaking.

I have predicted everything, but there are always surprises, isn't life like this?You have planned everything carefully, but something will happen to disrupt your plan.In my previous life, although my family was poor since I was a child, I have always been diligent and good at studying, but I met a nemesis in my life when I was approaching high school.

So everything seems to have changed. Is this the fate of people?With a little movement and change, will there be countless possibilities?

If he was really reborn, the baby who didn't have time to raise would never have appeared in this world, right?I'm really irresponsible. I didn't care about her in the last life, but I didn't let her come to the world in this life... Heh...

Xu Ying lay in her mind, thinking about the past and present, she fell asleep unknowingly, she heard someone calling her in a daze, and when she opened her eyes, she saw her grandma standing beside the bed for an unknown amount of time. It's just that the old man looks a little strange.

It was already dark outside... "Grandma, what's wrong?" Xu Ying's head hurt a little.

"What's the matter, I can't wake you up after eating, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Aunt Zhao looked at her granddaughter who was getting up heavily, feeling distressed.

"It's okay, grandma, where are Uncle Huang and mother?" Xu Ying noticed that there was no one in the living room, as if there were only her and grandma in the house.

"They went out to find someone to ask for a relationship. Let's eat first and leave it for them!" Aunt Zhao took the slippers and put them at Xu Ying's feet.

Xu Ying only felt dizzy when she got up, she was always like this every time she encountered something, she looked at her grandma, her grandson and son-in-law were imprisoned, the old man was better than herself.It seems reasonable that the current situation should be reversed, right?

(End of this chapter)

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