Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 377 The Man Behind the Scenes 2 [6 More]

Chapter 377 The Man Behind the Scenes 2 [6 More]

The two men standing by the door also had embarrassing expressions on their faces. They usually take everyone with them, and it's true to take children back... But there is still work to do.

"Auntie, we just ask this little girl to go back and ask something, don't worry!"

Now Beishi has just returned to stability and tranquility, and most of the staff have this awareness. At this time, the emotions of ordinary people are still more important, especially now in the family courtyard of this kind of unit. If one is not handled well, the people in the entire courtyard may It would be even more difficult to deal with the problem if you came to find them. What's more, the leaders above have lost their minds this time, right?Coming to bring a 10 year old girl? !

Xu Ying looked at her watch and guessed that Ouyang would be here soon. If it was really against her this time, she had to meet Ouyang before going in to avoid a situation that she couldn't handle.Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to find someone after entering.

"Uncle, wait a moment, can I change clothes?" Xu Ying replied very obediently.

The two of them took a look at the child who was still wearing the clothes at home, and the shoes were also slippers, so it was really shameful to take them home like this.Let's talk about changing clothes, can she still run away?Besides, I also said yes, how can I disagree if I change my clothes?Immediately agreed.

Xu Ying entered her room and closed the door.The terrible thing is that now she doesn't know when Ouyang will appear, maybe in the next minute, maybe in a few hours.Xu Ying closed the door in a daze in her room.

Looking at the paper on the desk, Xu Ying scribbled a paragraph, held it in her hand, packed it up, and went out.

"Grandma! Woo..." Xu Ying went out and hugged her grandma.

When Aunt Zhao saw the movement of her grandson, she did a mental calculation for no reason at the moment, stretched out her hand to grab those little hands, and was about to say a word of comfort, when suddenly there was a ball of paper in her palm.Looking at Xu Ying, she realized that her grandson was crying and blinking.

This ghost spirit! "My dear grandson!! Woooooo..." Aunt Zhao was so majestic when she was born, the two staff members who were drinking water at the side almost choked their throats.

what's the situation?It was fine just now, why is it like this all of a sudden?

Aunt Zhao couldn't stop crying, and no one could persuade her.Xu Ying also burst into tears.The two staff members were dumbfounded. Just now they were thinking of making peace and paying attention to the emotions of the crowd. The old and the young were making such a noise, and the yard probably knew about it.

"Auntie, get up first, don't cry, we just take her back to ask something!"

Aunt Zhao's face turned gloomy, and she asked sharply, "Ask questions? What can a 10-year-old child know? Huh?... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

Black lines, black lines all over the head, the two staff felt that the unheated room made them sweat profusely, what's the situation?

After a while, the cries of the old and the young attracted the neighbors, so more and more people gathered together.The family courtyard is like this. Everyone in the courtyard knows what's going on in your house. You had an argument with your wife this afternoon. Maybe at night the entire courtyard knows that you and your wife are going to divorce...

Originally, the police came to take Li Qiang away in the afternoon, and people in the family courtyard were talking about it. The people who would do something good appeared outside Aunt Zhao's house as soon as they heard the cries.

(End of this chapter)

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