Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 381 The Man Behind the Scenes 6 [3 More]

Chapter 381 The Man Behind the Scenes 6 [3 More]

The middle-aged woman is angry and angry. Although a little P child posing in front of her makes her crazy, but just pointing at the glass at her, she dare not neglect, why?TVB dramas are not popular at this time, how do you, an ordinary person, know what the wall is for?Besides, the three adults who brought it in the afternoon regarded it as an ordinary mirror, and the little girl in front of her knew immediately that there was someone behind it.

Looking at Xu Ying again, she looked calm and relaxed, closing her eyes and resting her mind. A middle-aged woman can be regarded as a knowledgeable person, knowing that the child in front of her is not that simple, so she took the record of the questioning on the table.Turned around and went out.

Xu Ying wondered what to say when she saw the so-called leader.She predicted in her heart that this leader would not appear so soon.At least put on airs, right?But Xu Ying didn't expect that the door would only open when she felt that she was about to be covered with spider webs.

When the door opened again, Xu Ying didn't know how long it had been. The walls of the room were opaque and there was no clock. She could only estimate by herself, but according to her schedule, it should be the second time. It was around 9 o'clock on the [-]st, because her stomach was already screaming uncontrollably.

"You are Xu Ying?!" The person who came asked just as soon as he entered the door.

Xu Ying opened her eyes and turned her head to look, stunned.She had met the person who came in before, and it was just a chance meeting. She didn't expect that today he was the boss behind the scenes?So if that's the case, everything makes sense.

"Oh, little girl, I didn't expect us to meet again? Hehe!"

Xu Ying couldn't laugh at all, she looked at the old man with a harmless and bright smile in front of her, and she felt hairy.A kind of hair calculated by the old fox.

"Are you here, leader?" Xu Ying asked uncertainly.Because she remembered very clearly the last time they met, at the shady auction, the old man clearly said that he was retired, right?
The old man nodded and said with a smile: "My name is Ye Ruitian! I can be regarded as the leader here!"

Is it?Obviously it is, right?If the person in front of her is the mastermind of this matter, Xu Ying is really not surprised at all.She knew from the auction that this old man was not simple, but she didn't expect that this old man was still in power.Still trying so hard to cure her?Thinking about it, I thought it was too simple. That auction was a ZF auction. I refuted ZF's face. Is there any good fruit to eat?It’s not that I won’t give you food, it’s that there is no reason to tell you to eat it, and once you eat it, you will be eaten to death!Xu Ying felt a kind of sadness.What happened to rebirth?Who can you fight with a grassroots?hehe!Still open such a big business at this time, looking for death.She never took what grandma said as a big tree attracting the wind as a sentence before, thinking that it had nothing to do with her.

But think about it, health care center, Huamei supermarket, which one in Beishi is not eye-catching?This... Hey, Xu Ying regretted it a bit.For the first time after her rebirth, she regretted it.

Seeing that Xu Ying was just in a daze and didn't speak, Ye Ruitian didn't care, and continued, "Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to buy you some breakfast!?"

After speaking, he waved his hand in front of the mirror.It seems that this room has recording equipment?
No matter what the old fox in front of him thinks, he has to face it, right?After all, she is not the only one locked in now, right?And Li Liying and the others, no matter how helpless they are, they have no choice but to bite the bullet and face it.

"What do you want!" Xu Ying asked in a calm voice.

"Haha, kid, how do you say this? It's not what I want, but what you want?" The flickering light in Ye Ruitian's eyes made Xu Ying's heart tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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