Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 385 The Man Behind the Scenes 10 [7 More]

Chapter 385 The Man Behind the Scenes 10 [7 More]

The 'angel' who came over smiled when he saw Xu Ying's turbulent appearance.

Wait, why is this laughter so familiar?Only then did Xu Ying pull her head out of the plate of rice, squinting at the person sitting opposite.Seeing it, Xu Ying's eyes widened.

Damn, "Ouyang?!! Why are you?!" Xu Ying felt that this must be hell...

Ouyang smiled and asked: "Why isn't it me? However, I don't know if I don't come to deliver food, our Xiaoying is still so beautiful! Hahaha..."

Xu Ying was depressed, this...: "Ouyang, why are you here, where is that old man?"

Cough, Ouyang made a show and signaled to Xu Ying, the old man was watching from behind, Xu Ying understood.No more questions.

"Well, they asked me to tell you, just tell you everything, just don't hide it, you are a child, you won't do anything to you!" Although Ouyang could come in to deliver a meal and meet Xu Ying, but it was too much. He can't say too much if he shows his bones.

It's not good for my children, so how about Li Liying, Meng Tianyi and the others?Xu Ying thought about Ouyang's words carefully.

"Are my dad and Aunt Li okay?" Xu Ying asked.

Ouyang nodded and comforted: "They probably can go back today. After all, they are looking for the boss of Huamei. They don't know anything..."

Oh~~ The implication is that the person she is looking for is Xu Ying?As long as Dad and Aunt Li are fine, Xu Ying will cry if she is really afraid of being tortured.

"Xiaoying, I can't stay for too long, but don't be afraid, I'm here for anything, don't worry!" The meaning in Ouyang's words is already obvious, even if something really happens, Ouyang will help.

Xu Ying has known Ouyang for so long, and has always thought that this guy is the master who took advantage of her company's shares. Now she suddenly thinks that this boy is too cute and handsome.Sure enough, a friend in need is a friend indeed!In fact, people are more emotional at times of crisis and crisis, such as Xu Ying.

"Ouyang, thank you!" Xu Ying gave Ouyang a bright smile.Now that Ouyang is in her heart, she feels more at ease. Although she doesn't know what the origin of Ouyang's family is, but in this kind of place, he can give herself a meal, which also shows that his family is strong enough.

Ouyang Yuxuan seemed to have never seen such a smile since he met Xu Ying, right?This little girl has always been sarcastic to herself, such a bright and pure smile, this is the first time for her!Ouyang put away the tableware, patted Xu Ying on the shoulder, and went out.

It seems that those people only gave Ouyang a meal.And I'm afraid he's still listening and peeping from behind? (It's surveillance, thank you,) Anyway, Xu Ying is not as uncertain as she was after hearing what Ye Ruitian said just now.

Ye Ruitian reappeared, with a slightly uneasy expression on his face, but he still forced a smile and said, "Hehe, I didn't see it, kid, you still have something to do with the Ouyang family!"

The Ouyang family?How does this sound like a cow?All she knew was that Ouyang Yuxuan's family was very strong, but she didn't know how strong it was.

"Tell me, your purpose!" Xu Ying didn't want to hang around with such an old fox, besides, what happened to her relationship with Ouyang?Who stipulates that ordinary people cannot know people from any family?

Ye Ruitian was reprimanded by Xu Ying in such a tone that the color of his old face was about to turn green, "No matter who you know, if you enter this door, don't even think about leaving without explaining the problem clearly!"

Looking at the twitching face, Xu Ying suddenly had a feeling in her heart.

"Grandpa..." Xu Ying pulled the stool forward a little, then approached Ye Ruitian and asked in a mysterious whisper: "Grandpa, in fact, are you acting for your own benefit...?"

(End of this chapter)

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