Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 387 The Man Behind the Scenes 12 [1 More]

Chapter 387 The Man Behind the Scenes 12 [1 More]

Xu Ying looked at Ye Ruitian with a distorted face, and sneered in her heart. Can she understand this as jumping over the wall in a hurry?It turns out that these so-called leaders have this face when it comes to conditions.

"Grandpa, please calm down first, don't be angry with your body, what do you say you and my little P child care about, right? Tell me what you want, I can do it, I can do it. !" Xu Ying's words made Ye Ruitian even more angry.

"Huamei Supermarket can no longer be opened, the ZF wants that building!" Ye Ruitian didn't want to talk to this little rascal anymore, so he directly stated the conditions.

It turned out that he went around such a big circle, tossed this day and night, and used so many hats to throw on himself, just for a Huamei supermarket?At the time, Xu Ying thought about the tricks they played at the auction, if they would do something wrong later, but after such a peaceful year, she almost forgot about it. Unexpectedly, this group of people were still thinking about it.

"Grandpa, I just auctioned off that supermarket, how can I not open it if I can't say it!?" Xu Ying looked at Ye Ruitian like a white C.

"Did you think you could do business so smoothly when you photographed the old site of Dahua that day? The house in the central area, your health care center is Cheng's house, and we can't buy it. Dahua is originally ZF's real estate. The auction is just a way for the leaders above to appease the hearts of the people, but you actually take it seriously, can't you be so smart to see what obstacles are being set up for you? Now asking you to hand it over is already doing your best, what else do you want? !"

Have you run out of benevolence?What does it mean that the people do not fight against the government? Is this the truth?She thought that the group of ZF people won a beautiful victory at the auction that day, and she still thought about some ZF bosses in her heart, that's all.Unexpectedly, I danced for a long time, but it was just dancing on Wuzhi Mountain. They told you to dance, and when I saw you dancing happily, an order and a hat flew over, telling you to be crushed under Wuzhi Mountain and never turn over!

"I've been running the supermarket for so long, and now you just tell me to give up, isn't it a bit too much? In fact, I'm just a P citizen, and I'm not afraid of anything!"

Ye Ruitian's green face seemed to recover when he heard this, and he said with a sneer, "You are not afraid, yes, you are not afraid of anything, but what about your parents and your partners? Are they afraid? Huang Hai, it seems that he wants to make achievements in his official career, right? If his lover is stained, how far do you think his official career can go? Also, it seems that your parents don’t know that this gorgeous and prosperous company is actually your company? If They knew that it was their sensible and well-behaved baby daughter who caused them such an innocent disaster. Guess what they will think of you?!..."

mean!How can I see it?Looking at herself is nothing more than looking at a monster, and Xu Ying bets that if she wants to go out and talk about business so easily in the future, she will never have a chance. She will definitely have to go home after school like before, and she must be honest Those who study at school are not allowed to run around.It seems that this old man has investigated everything about himself clearly? !

"It's not that I don't give up. Didn't Grandpa understand what I said? I know, I forcibly photographed that Dahua that day, which refuted the face of you and the boss above. I apologize to you. I was obsessed. In the future, I will definitely I won’t be against ZF, but there is one thing I want to ask, are you planning to tell me to give Dahua directly to you? Don’t forget, I spent real money at that time!” Are you kidding, do you tell yourself to say Spit it out, do you want to spit it out?Those who spit out or eat at their own expense? !no way!
PS, the last sentence is a bit disgusting, ahem.

(End of this chapter)

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