Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 389 Compensation 1 point must not be less 2 [3 more]

Chapter 389 Compensation must not be less 2 [3 more]

Ye Ruitian's complexion was not good, "Wait a minute, I'll go out and make a phone call!" The little girl opened her mouth like a lion, he couldn't do it.

Xu Ying nodded indifferently, okay, let's go, discuss it with the leader, respect her!waiting!good!sound!
Ye Ruitian took the densely packed paper written by Xu Ying and the unrecognizable map circled by her, and went out.Xu Ying was left alone.

Xu Ying's face suddenly collapsed. In fact, she was not worried at all that it was bragging. She also gave it a go. Why?If it is said that she does not fight for it, to put it bluntly, if she really wants to take away all of your land, it is just a matter of words.So now she is also cheeky, holding her head up, and asking for a place here like a spoiler.It's just that I don't know if the people above will take this set.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Xu Ying worked alone in this monitoring room for about an hour. She was a little discouraged. Could it be that she was thinking wrong?This time the higher up didn't give her anything?But no, if he said no, Ye Ruitian would not say that he would try his best to be satisfied.

"You are Xu Ying?" The door opened, and the person who came in was not Ye Ruitian, but this person was holding the paper and map she gave Ye Ruitian just now.

Xu Ying didn't know the details of this person, but the middle-aged man who came in was wearing some funny reading glasses, his hair was a little gray, he looked about 50, his white shirt with short sleeves was neatly put into his blue wool trousers in.In terms of appearance, she is very kind, but Xu Ying dare not relax at all. She thinks that everyone in this building is a fox, for example, Ye Ruitian, isn't he also very kind?But the person in front of him seemed to be of higher morality, because although Ye Ruitian had a very kind face, the coldness in his eyes made Xu Ying feel uncomfortable at first, and the person in front of him also had a kind look in his eyes.

"Little friend, it's not bad. You have built such a big business at a young age?" The old man said in a tone of appreciation, which made Xu Ying a little confused. What's the situation?come soft?
Seeing that Xu Ying didn't talk to him, the old man smiled and said, "My name is Zhang Zhiping, kid, what's wrong with you? You stopped talking?"

Say what?Tell me your name, do I know who you are?At least the name Zhang Zhiping didn't exist in Xu Ying's memory.

"What do you want me to say?" Xu Ying asked coldly.

Hearing Xu Ying's cold tone, Zhang Zhiping smiled without anger: "It's a shame for a child to have such a bad temper! Then can you tell Uncle about these..." Zhang Zhiping pointed to the map location of Huamei Supermarket, and health care Museum, "How did you come up with that little brain?"

So it was just a cliché?Substitution?Is this a wheel tactic?Xu Ying was thinking about the purpose of this person named Zhang Zhiping who came to tell her these words now: "Whatever you think, observe more, use your brain more, you can think of it!" Xu Ying almost said more experiments.

"Oh? Observe more? Use your brain more, okay, I like to hear these words, but this supermarket is only found in foreign countries, why do you think so accurately when you think about it?" Zhang Zhiping felt that the doll in front of him was quite interesting for him to explore. one time.

Xu Ying sneered in her heart, after talking about it, did she go back to the original question?So Xu Ying didn't bother to say what she said about shopping with her mother and thinking how good it would be to be together again.

After Zhang Zhiping listened, his eyes lit up: "Okay! Kid, our socialist market economy now requires you to use your brains to do it! Uncle appreciates you!" Zhang Zhiping seemed to have discovered some new world, and his voice was a little excited .

However, Xu Ying doesn't need your praise. She just uses the mainstream in the future, and she doesn't care about this person's praise. What she cares about now is what is the compensation she wants?
PS: Please support the original version, please don't paste the articles I sent to the group.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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