Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 394 Monopoly Management 2 [2 more]

Chapter 394 Monopoly Management 2 [2 more]

"Huami, they can't stop us if they want to take us away!" Xu Ying said while taking out a piece of paper and drew a simple map of Huamei's surroundings. "But I asked them for it, all the lots around here!" It adds up to nearly 20 places.

Meng Tianyi frowned as he looked at Xu Ying's ghostly drawn talisman on the paper and asked, "But these are all scattered shops, what are we going to do here?" Is it possible that he will go back to his old business to sell groceries?

Li Liying, Huang Hai, Xu Chenghai and others didn't quite understand. Everyone knew that Huamei was the number one comprehensive store in Beishi. Now that Huamei was gone, what was the use of so many small shops for Xu Ying?Not to mention how these small shops can become bigger is a problem, but the manpower is just these few people, not enough...

Xu Ying had thought of these problems a long time ago, and she stopped entertaining everyone, and said directly: "We don't have to do it ourselves, let others do it!"

"Do it for others? Then what shall we do?" Li Liying was taken aback by Xu Ying's words.give others?

"We? Let's count the money!" Xu Ying smiled.

Li Qiang's swollen bun face simply felt his flesh twitch a few times. This girl is talking in her sleep during the day?Or shut it in and scare the fool?But no, the gay people inside are beautiful...

Only then did Xu Ying express all her ideas, one, two, and three, and everyone's eyes lit up.Xu Ying's business model is very simple. The reason why she wanted the surrounding houses was that they were densely packed and easy to manage, and they were all in the center. Especially in the past two years, after the completion of the urban planning, the place has become more lively. Third, After this incident, she knew one thing, that the big tree attracts the wind. If you make something too big, and you don't have the power to protect it, you can only make it for others.

This time she was imprisoned, and when she came out, she didn't figure out where she was imprisoned, why she was imprisoned, although Xu Ying also knew that Huamei's photos must have been more eye-catching, but this point alone would not be so motivating. Do you want to buckle your hat?If Ouyang hadn't come forward this time, I'm afraid this matter might not have ended so easily.

At the beginning of June 1989, Huamei Supermarket, which caused a sensation in Beishi, announced its closure. The ZF came forward to buy it in order to support private enterprises.For a while, the citizens of Beishi felt that ZF had done a great job this time. A private supermarket went bankrupt and even came forward to recover the loss.But some people who know it are commenting that this sudden closure of Huamei is not unusual. Those who live nearby know that the business of Huamei Supermarket is not known to be good, and DL has not lost much at all this time.So another rumor is that Huamei's boss has offended the people above.

The closure of Huamei made many shop owners who opened small shops see hope. This business snatcher finally hiccupped, so many private owners appeared one after another. In late June, an alley next to Huamei Supermarket began to conduct large-scale Scale renovation, dusty. In August, the alley 6 meters from the former site of Huamei Supermarket was completely renovated. It was clean and tidy, with white walls and blue lines, which looked refreshing and clean. A big signboard was also set up in the alley, which said, "Dingsheng Food" street!

As a result, many small traders from outside began to settle in at the right time, and careful people will find that Huamei and Dingsheng are just disassembled bodies of Huamei Dingsheng Company. However, in this era when money is just beginning to be robbed, who will go with you? Literally?

PS COONIN is very angry today, the editor is too much, I am so angry that I can't speak, it should be 4th update today, I'm sorry everyone, personal emotions have affected you.

(End of this chapter)

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