Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 407 Revenge Without Lower Limit 1 [3 more]

Chapter 407 Revenge Without Lower Limit 1 [3 more]

PS: The title of the last one is a bit wrong, it should be 5, but it is marked as 4, but the content is not repeated, and it will not affect your reading, so let’s take it as a 4, ahem.I'm sorry because chapter V does not allow changes.

In the afternoon, Xu Ying was tense, wondering whether Wang Jing would take time to talk about things again, but to her surprise, she didn't make trouble.

Could it be that I made a fuss?But what she said in the morning clearly indicated that she wanted to target herself...

After cleaning in the afternoon, the freshmen are all waiting for their seats in the class.Although the students in the class were dissatisfied with Xu Ying's relationship, they saw Xu Ying's admission score, so although they had some opinions on her, they spent the first day relatively quietly.

"Stand in the aisle, according to your size!"

Xu Ying's size is in the children's play, there are a total of 7 rows of seats, and she is assigned to the fourth row.Looking at her deskmate, Xu Ying smiled again, isn't this Zhang Biao, her deskmate in the previous life was him.Maybe it's fate?

"Xu Ying, go to the Academic Affairs Office to pick up your book!" Wang Jing shouted from the podium.

Xu Ying stood up and was just about to go out when she thought about the books in one class, she went alone?

"Ms. Wang, ask some boys to go with me!" It's impossible to ask yourself to move, right?Even if it is, she can't finish moving.

Wang Jing glanced sideways, and said with a sneer, "You want to find a boy just after entering junior high school?"

faint!Xu Ying felt her face turn red all of a sudden - she was pissed off.Where does this follow?
Sure enough, as soon as Wang Jing's words came out, the students below laughed.There is also schadenfreude.

"Teacher, I can't carry all the books in the class by myself. I want to find some boys to carry them together!" Xu Ying suppressed her anger.

This is her, with a 30-year-old soul in her body, she endured it, if she is really a child in her teens, how can she face such humiliation in the future?If you don't have a psychological problem, hell!

"If you can't move, move a few more times. Being a monitor is to serve the students in the class! We'll wait for you. If I were you, I'd go as quickly as possible, or I won't delay other students from eating!"

There was an unconcealable mocking smile on the corner of Wang Jing's mouth.There was a hint of ecstasy in his eyes.It's not easy to choose the seventh middle school for the sample.This time Xu Ying entered Class [-] at her special request.

So in a sense, Xu Ying can also be regarded as a related household.

Xu Ying was so angry that she couldn't speak for a moment, so blatantly teasing her!Xu Ying bit her mouth.Hands clenched into fists.Turned around and left the classroom.

I originally thought that Wang Jing would plot against her in the afternoon, but Xiangan ignored her.She thought that Wang Jing would find fault with the cleaning, but she still ignored it. She naively thought that she might be overthinking it, and Wang Jing just wanted to give her a bad impression.

But ah, it turned out that I was waiting for myself here!Really can!

Xu Ying didn't go to pick up the book, but went directly to Huang Hai's office.

"Xiaoying? You're not in class, why are you here?"

Xu Ying is probably the only one who barged in without knocking on the door in this school.Huang Hai saw that Xu Ying's expression was not good, could it be that something went wrong in the class?

"Uncle, no, Teacher Huang, can you ask some classmates to help me move the books?" Fortunately, Huang Hai is here, otherwise she would die of exhaustion in the No. [-] Middle School today.

When Huang Hai heard Xu Ying's words, he was a little surprised, "Why don't you ask your classmates to help you?" Why did such a trivial matter come to him?Doesn't look like Xu Ying's style?

"Our teacher asked me to move it myself. You know, the books for the first grade of junior high school, mathematics, Chinese, English, politics, geography, art and history, can I finish moving them?" Xu Ying felt aggrieved.But who is to blame?She chose it herself.That's why Li Hui asked her at noon and she didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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