Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 411 Keep a distance from the scourge 1 [1 more]

Chapter 411 Keep a distance from the scourge 1 [1 more]

Xu Ying, who returned home exhausted, didn't even eat any delicious food. You must know that it was specially prepared by Li Hui for Xu Ying's first day entering junior high school...

"Old Xu, why do you think Xiaoying is so tired on the first day? The clothes are still so dirty?" Li Hui always felt that the class Xu Ying went to today had a weird teacher.

Xu Chenghai was not worried, and comforted him: "You were against it at the beginning, but now you are worried, you are worried about your life, pack it up, we should go to bed, the child went to bed early today..."

Li Hui blushed by Xu Chenghai's flirtatious words, she scolded and went into the kitchen to clean up.


In the morning, the alarm clock rang on time...

"Xiaoying, why did you get up so early?"

You know it's only 6 o'clock!Li Hui squinted her sleepy eyes, she didn't even prepare breakfast, she was too tired last night...

"Mom, I'm going out to buy some deep-fried dough sticks for myself, so you can go to sleep later!"

Xu Ying packed her things. She was so tired after coming back yesterday that she fell asleep and didn't even pack her books.Facing the class schedule, Xu Ying checked all the courses to be taken today.Fortunately, there was no physics class on the first day of junior high school, otherwise Xu Ying would have to face Wang Jing for at least 45 minutes every day, and Xu Ying would probably die of pain...

After packing up and tidying up, at 6:20, Xu Ying didn't dare to delay any longer, so she hurried out to the school...

Even running and driving, get off at 6.55, and there are still 5 minutes enough time to get to the classroom.Xu Ying took a breath.

However, to die, Xu Ying just looked up and saw Wang Jing...Wang Jing, who was about to enter the gate of the No. 10 Middle School from the opposite side, should have gone for a morning run. She seemed to have said before that she persisted for [-] years. run.

You said, how can a person with such a healthy lifestyle be so distorted in his heart?incomprehensible.But what Xu Ying is struggling with now is that Wang Jing obviously saw her, saying hello?No hello?
"Mr. Wang, good morning!" Xu Ying took a deep breath and greeted her anyway.

Wang Jing nodded and did not speak again.No emotion can be seen on the expression.

Just like that, I walked into the campus with Wang Jing, and when we reached the entrance of the teaching building, Wang Jing suddenly looked at his watch and said, "Should I ask you to come at 7 o'clock today? It will be 7.05!"

When Xu Ying heard this, she felt that she was going to go crazy. I arrived at the school before 7 o'clock, okay? I entered the school with you after saying hello. You walked slowly, blame me?

"Uh, teacher, maybe I was a little slow walking just now!"

Xu Ying reminded her that she was walking slowly with you!

"Just now? I saw you walking slowly, and thought you had forgotten the time set for today! Forget it, on the first day, hurry up and clean up the classroom!"

Wang Jing was merciful and didn't bother with Xu Ying...

People are so cheap, this time, Xu Ying shouldn't be blamed for one thing, but Xu Ying felt that it was not easy, and was moved...

After entering the classroom, Xu Ying sat on her desk, quickly took a glance at the class she was going to teach today, opened the book, read it for about 5 minutes, and then closed it.

Now that I am in Class [-], I am afraid that my business will be delayed. I have to find a way... Although the business is now on the right track, but the money is endless, and now it is the spring breeze of reform. It is called a recovery. , if I slack off, I will definitely be eliminated...

"Xu Ying, you are so early!"

Finally, after Xu Yingqian sat for 20 minutes, a classmate came in——! !
"Um, yes, the teacher told me to come at 7 o'clock!"

"Hehe, that's right!"

The person who came in was a girl named Duan Na. She was fat and had a boyish personality. In Xu Ying's impression, her studies were good.People who belong to the moderate type will never offend people, and they should flatter, but there are not many of them...

(End of this chapter)

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