Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 415 Keeping a distance from the scourge 5 【End of 5】

Chapter 415 Keeping a distance from the scourge 5 【End of 5】

Xu Ying didn't want her mother to worry anymore, knowing that she would have to put her emotions back when she went home in the future.

"Mom, if I'm really unhappy, I'll discuss it with you, okay!" Xu Ying comforted.

Li Hui nodded and told Xu Ying to rest early after finishing her homework before going out.


The one-week course ended, and this week was pretty good. Except for a few occasions when Wang Jing pointed and scolded Huai, the rest of the time was pretty easy by herself.

You must know that people have a degree of adaptation. When you adapt to an environment, you will find that the initial incompatibility has been eased.

From Xu Ying's blushing and depression at the beginning, to now when Wang Jing mocked her, she has been able to accept it without changing her face!Commonly known as, thick-skinned!
But God probably also despises Xu Ying's thick skinned too fast.So I arranged something for her.

In the self-study class this afternoon, the students in the class shouted at the door: "Xu Ying, someone is looking for you outside!" So they came in and laughed wildly.

what's the situation?But Xu Ying put down the pen in her hand and went out to have a look. Could it be Brother Lele?

There was a boy standing at the door, an ordinary middle school boy, with a light beard that had just grown on his lips...

I don't know each other, Xu Ying tried her best to keep the memory in the boys she met in junior high school, she didn't have this face, stranger.

"You looking for me?" Xu Ying asked.

"Well, I'm looking for you, here, someone asked me to give you this!" The boy reached out and stuffed a white letter paper into Xu Ying's hand.

"What is this?" Xu Ying asked curiously.

The boy glanced at Xu Ying, and he was indeed an idiot as rumored, so he said coldly: "You can see for yourself, I'm leaving!" After speaking, he ran away.

what?Xu Ying pinched the letter paper suspiciously.Into the classroom.

Unexpectedly, before she sat down on her seat, she let go of her hand, and the letter paper was snatched away by Zhang Xiaozhe, a mischievous ghost in the class.

In an instant, the letter paper was opened.

"Dear Xu Ying... hello!" Zhang Xiaozhe read out loud, causing the boys below to burst into laughter, and the faces of the girls turned red!

Xu Ying was even more depressed. This is sending love letters. How could she forget about this... Hey, I have been away from school for too many years, and love letters have long been seen in the back of my head.In the future, there will be QQ, phone calls, and text messages. Who will use love letters? Even elementary school students in the future will soon have a mobile phone. Who will get a stationery to write love letters?

But now my situation...

Before Xu Ying was finished worrying, Wang Jing's voice appeared at the right time. Xu Ying knew that it was over this time!
"Zhang Xiaozhe, what are you reading, so happy!?" Wang Jing asked at the door with a smile.

The students in the class have known for a week that if Wang Jing talks to you with such an abnormal smile, it means that you are going to be unlucky!For a moment, the classroom that was still noisy just now became quiet in an instant.

Wang Jing took the paper in Zhang Xiaozhe's hand, and it was okay if she didn't look at it, but when she saw it, her face immediately became gloomy, and the surrounding air dropped a few degrees!
"Xu Ying!" Wang Jing called her name angrily.

Xu Ying stood up helplessly.

"Here, what's the situation?!" Wang Jing raised the love letter in her hand...

I don't know what's going on, I was taken away by Zhang Xiaozhe before I read a word, and you took it away before I finished reading, I don't know!

Xu Ying was so depressed that she replied, "I don't know, I didn't watch it!"

PS: The 5th update ends today, and the 10th update will be announced on the weekend of tomorrow.If the collection can increase, there may be a little more!kisses!

(End of this chapter)

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