Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 419 Keeping a distance from the scourge 9 [4 more]

Chapter 419 Keeping a distance from the scourge 9 [4 more]

After making sure that Xu Ying was fine, Huang Haole turned around, stared at Xu Yangyang fiercely, and said word by word: "I tell you, if you trouble her again, I won't let you go out!" Damn, he looks so ugly How dare you be arrogant!
Xu Yangyang was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and the boys around him also laughed: "I don't care who you are, don't think I'm afraid of you, tell me, do you want to fight alone or in a group?" (PK's Oh...)
"Didn't see it?" Huang Haole stared at Xu Yangyang carefully.

Xu Ying knew why Huang Haole would fight, and immediately said, "I'll choose with you, let's choose group P, how about it?"

Huang Haole turned to Xu Ying and said, "Xiao Ying, be good, this is brother Lele's business, please don't meddle in it?"

Men are like this, if something bad happens, she can't explain it to Huang Hai and Li Liying.It's all because of mung bean eyes!
"Hahaha, okay, tell me, when!" Xu Yangyang asked arrogantly, his tone and eyes seemed to have seen Huang Haole who was beaten all over the place looking for his teeth!

"Whatever, let's go heads-up!" Huang Haole replied coldly.

"Okay, at this time tomorrow afternoon, at the alley outside! Hmph!" Xu Yangyang bumped into Huang Haole carelessly after speaking.He glared at Xu Ying angrily, and then left.

Neuropathy! "Brother Lele, why are you fighting with them? If you have something, how can I explain to Aunt Li?!" Xu Ying blamed Huang Haole for his impulsiveness.

"Xiaoying, is it because I'm particularly weak in your eyes?" Huang Haole's eyes showed deep loneliness.

What is this for?Xu Ying hurriedly reviewed it for a while, and that's right, no matter when a boy wants to save face, she is like this...

"Brother Lele, I'm just worried about your safety. You also saw Xu Yangyang's little ruffian. I really don't know how it became like this!" Xu Ying really couldn't figure it out.

"You really know him?"

"Well, what about the captain of our elementary school before, when I was dragged by your father to do the job of the captain, he was very upset and stopped me once, but the captains are generally very gentle, how can this person be like the city? 1 pipe!?" Xu Ying replied.

"What city 12 management?!"

"Oh, it's nothing, just to describe! I have to go home quickly, I have a lot of homework today!" After speaking, Xu Ying hurried away.

She was afraid that Huang Haole would continue to ask, and she really couldn't explain why she had to describe it that way. You must know that the profession of city 1 management has not yet entered the public's field of vision at this time!

After arriving home in the evening, Xu Ying hurried into her bedroom after a few mouthfuls of food and began to write that damn self-criticism.As soon as I wrote it, I wrote it until the early morning...

[-] words, handwritten, when Xu Ying felt that her hands were not her own, it was finally almost done, and she wrote a thick pile of manuscript paper!Xu Ying knew that Wang Jing wouldn't be so ridiculous as to see the benefits of puppy love, she just fucked her!
Stretching, Xu Ying planned to drink milk and go to sleep for a while!It was already past 2 o'clock in the morning, and she would get up soon after sleeping!

While thinking, a glass of milk appeared in front of my eyes!When Xu Ying turned her head, her mother was looking at her worriedly.

"Mom, why haven't you slept yet?"

"You don't sleep, can I sleep?
"Mom, I have a lot of homework today, so I'm a little late. You don't have to worry about me from now on, go to bed early!" My mother also has to go to class during the day!

Li Hui touched Xu Ying's long black hair gently, and said, "Xiaoying, is junior high school hard?"

Junior high school is not hard, it is because your daughter offended the God of Plague, so I worked so hard to death!

"Um, it's just a little late today, Mom, get some rest, I'm going to sleep for a while too!" Xu Ying quickly rolled to the bed after drinking the milk twice.

Li Hui knew that Xu Ying was avoiding on purpose. Every time she avoided her own problems, she would divert the topic like this, but it was indeed too late. Li Hui just sighed in her heart, and gently helped Xu Ying cover the quilt, and went out. .

(End of this chapter)

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