Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 429 Keeping a Low Profile 3

Chapter 429 Keeping a Low Profile 3
Wang Jing stared at Xu Ying for a full minute, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to □□!" After speaking for the first time, she didn't continue to sarcasm or bully Xu Ying.

After speaking, Wang Jing turned around and quickly left Class [-], Grade [-].

Wang Jing's departure did not make Xu Ying feel comfortable, because some people made her feel uncomfortable.

First of all, the rumors brought about the rejection of the students in the class. Some uneasy boys said loudly: "There is a BIAO in our class, do you know? She is not a CHU girl at such an age, and she sleeps with men everywhere. !"

"I know, Teacher Wang won't speak this time, we should collectively drive this person out!" There were not many echoes, but there were certainly many.

Xu Ying squeezed her hands. She usually doesn't care about being isolated, because she really doesn't want to argue with children. Subconsciously, she always feels that she is an adult to manage students, and it is not good to care about.

But now this group of little P children have exceeded her bottom line... The rage is on the verge, and Xu Ying has decided in her heart that she will not make a mess today, and will never give up.Just when I was about to get angry, suddenly...

A soft and slightly angry voice came: "Jiao Zhilei! What are you talking about? Teacher Wang said wait for the police to deal with it. What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xu Ying was very surprised that someone was speaking for her at this time, and when she fixed her eyes on the person who was speaking for her, she wondered if she was dazzled.

At this moment, Li Kaiyan was saying good things for Xu Ying with an expression of injustice.

Li Kaiyan is Wang Jing's daughter, who doesn't know?Leaving aside the fact that Li Kaiyan is sweeter in appearance and soft-spoken, everyone will never offend her just because of her special status in Class [-], Grade [-].

"Xu Ying, don't worry, I believe you are innocent! However, even if your family background is not good, don't hang out with people from the underworld, those people are not good!" What Li Kaiyan said at the beginning made Xu Ying feel like she was dreaming, When it came to the last sentence, Xu Ying was sure that this was still Li Kaiyan from back then.

What does it mean to have a bad family background...Xu Ying was so petrified that she was speechless even if she wanted to refute.

So the students around whispered again, it turns out that Xu Ying's family conditions are not good!It turns out that her family is poor... no wonder she hangs out with those dubious social idlers...

Everyone seems to have found the source of everything...

Xu Ying looked at Li Kaiyan, she was right, she had a gentle smile on her face, but the viciousness in her eyes still destroyed her gentleness.

Not far away, Yan Ruiliang looked at Li Kaiyan with burning eyes...

Xu Ying sat down, thinking about what happened this morning, it was really bloody, why didn't Wang Jing pursue it with herself?Already designed?

"I didn't realize that you have such a good relationship with the team leader's daughter!" The deskmate leaned over and asked.

it is good?Xu Ying sneered, you are too naive.

"It's okay, why, do you think we're good?" Xu Ying asked back.

The deskmate nodded with certainty, "She still supports you so much in this situation, it seems that everyone says she's a nice person, it's true!"

A smile spread in Xu Ying's heart. Originally, she wanted to keep a low profile, but it seemed that she couldn't do it anymore.My 30-year-old soul really disdains to be isolated, and even more disdain to be ridiculed by Wang Jing, but it seems that things are more fun now.

Wang Jing, Li Kaiyan sang Errenzhuan?Xu Yangyang poured dirty water on himself, what else?Thinking of this, Xu Ying thought maybe it was time for her to play too?
(End of this chapter)

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