Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 433 Keeping a Low Profile 7

Chapter 433 Keeping a Low Profile 7
Only then did Duan Qi focus on the student who was pushed in front, embarrassment and disbelief flashed across her face.

Huang Hai's expression became even more strange. Originally, Xu Yangyang didn't believe that he would fight with his son, but after seeing Xu Ying, he suddenly felt in his heart that maybe his son really hit her. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frowned. frown.

Among the three, only the director of the Political and Educational Department called Director Liang didn't know Xu Ying, and didn't notice the changes in the two around him.Seeing Xu Ying's swollen face and untidy hair, she immediately believed Xu Sijun's words.

"What's your name! You're so bold? Contradicting the teacher?! And fighting?!" The tone was very severe!
Xu Ying coughed and replied: "My name is Xu Ying, and it's not that I contradict her, it's that she is superficial!"

The man's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, 'Xu Ying' isn't that the student who came to the meeting to discuss today?This... Thinking of this, he looked at Duan Qi. At this moment, he has no right to speak.

Of course Xu Sijun noticed the change in the atmosphere in the office. After all, she is also a person who has been teaching for more than 10 years.

"Principal Duan, Director Huang, Director Liang, the situation is like this! I'll go to class first! You deal with this student!" Xu Sijun really wanted to see the punishment directly, but what she saw was the embarrassment on Duan Qi's face, Huang Hai's His complexion was not good, and Liang Wei was uncertain.

"Well, Xiao Xu, hurry up and go to class, let's ask this child, don't delay class!" Duan Qi agreed with Xu Sijun's words.

Xu Sijun nodded, turned around and left the Political and Education Office.Did I miss something?But didn’t it mean that apart from Xu Ying’s good studies, her family environment is poor? She shouldn’t know Duan Qi and Huang Hai, no, Duan Qi and Huang Hai came from Xiguan Primary School, and Xu Ying is also from Xiguan Primary School...

So, do they want to protect their shortcomings?This is the reason Xu Sijun thought of, but no matter what, Xu Ying did the wrong thing first!She also backed out properly, so no matter how she dealt with it, she was fine. Thinking of this, Xu Sijun returned to the class with confidence and continued to teach!

Xu Sijun had made up his mind, but the Department of Political Affairs and Education hadn't.

"Xiaoying, what's going on?!" Duan Qi spoke first.In the morning, she told Huang Hai whether it was framed by someone else. Now, she seems to have to judge again!
"Auntie Duan..." Xu Ying hesitated to speak, and looked at Director Liang.

Who is Liang Wei? He has been in the No. [-] Middle School for several years. He is not for education at the beginning of his thirties. He is for official career and officialdom. Don't think about the future.

"Principal Duan, Director Huang, I'll go to Teacher Xu to find out about the situation, and I'll be back later!" Liang Wei was about to let go.

Duan Qi nodded, and said: "Don't just listen to one-sided words, but listen to what the child who fought with her and the students around her have to say!"

Liang Wei nodded, hurried out of the office, and went to the mail room at the door.Liang Wei thought in his heart that what Duan Qi said was just a formality, he could just ask later, now, he will smoke a cigarette in the mail room to meet the time is the business!

As soon as Liang Wei went out, the three people in the office fell silent.

The three of them, Duan Qi, Huang Hai, and Xu Ying, can be said to be old acquaintances, and it is a bit embarrassing to meet at this moment.Especially Huang Hai was even more worried and entangled. He knew Xu Ying well, and he didn't believe that Xu Ying beat someone. But look at her face, look at her torn clothes, and her messy hair.He couldn't help feeling dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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