Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 440 It's Useless to Beg Me 1

Chapter 440 It's Useless to Beg Me 1
However, no matter when, poor people must have something to hate, this sentence is definitely not wrong.Xu Ying struggled in her heart all night, and finally she was selfish. In order to go to school quietly and low-key, she had to tell Xu Yangyang to be more honest, and it was best to stay out of her sight.

So, the next day, all the places in the hands of Xu Dajun, the right-hand man of the underworld brother Situ in the North City, were blown up. The bearer of the hall!In other words, he became a horse boy!

Who doesn't know that Xu Dajun has been doing well with Brother Situ in the past few years?Suddenly being replaced by Stu because of things like watching the scene, outsiders thought it was a big deal, but no one on the road knew that it was normal for the nightclub to be kicked out, and the scene exploded, but Stu handled it like this. One possibility is that something went wrong with Xu Dajun and Situ.

Rolling Stone HI Bar, the largest nightclub in Beishi, has its doors closed during the day. Nerristu is sitting on a sofa, pouring a glass of strong whiskey in his hand, and looking at the man kneeling at his feet in front of him——Xu Dajun.

"Brother Situ, please, I still have to support my family. What did I do wrong? Tell me, because I have worked hard with you for so many years..." Xu Dajun thought about it but couldn't figure out why it was so simple. Exploding the field made him the bottom of the horse boy!This tells him how to mess around on the road in the future?
Stu turned the wine glass in his hand, sighed thoughtfully, and replied, "Da Jun, you know that I never have room to do things..."

"Brother Stu, for the sake of the knife I blocked for you back then, please, you know I'm old, and now you ask me to be a's better to call me dead!" Xu Dajun Tell the truth.He is getting older now, he has passed the age of being a pawn with a knife and fighting on the front line...

"Dajun, I didn't mean it. To put it bluntly, you have offended my boss, so... I can't help it!" Situ Neng told Xu Dajun that he had done his best at this step.

Xu Dajun was stunned for a moment, he knew that his friendship with Brother Situ would not treat him like this, but Brother Situ is the first brother in Beishi, so he has a boss above him?

"Brother Stu, I beg you, Brother Stu, help me!!" Xu Dajun knew that Stu was cold and warm-hearted.Besides, outsiders think that Stu is ruthless. He has been with him for so many years but he knows that the most important thing about this Stu is loyalty.

Now that he was called here alone, there should be room for redemption?
If it was someone else, maybe Stu wouldn't have helped, but when Xu Dajun came to Beishi by himself, he fought with the underworld at that time and was almost hacked to death. It was the middle-aged man in front of him who protected him and left. Without him, then he, Stu, would have met Hades long ago...

"If, you can call your son and persuade the person he messed with... Maybe it's okay..." After speaking, Stu knew that he had broken Ouyang's rules this time, but on the one hand he was saving his life, on the other hand he was The relationship between master and servant... He can't help it.

Seeing Ouyang turn around and leave, Xu Dajun realized that it was his son that Brother Stu was talking about just now?This brat, after all, when he played cards by himself that day, his son seemed to come in and ask...

Xu Dajun thought of not doing what he wanted here, and hurriedly got up and went home to wait for that little rabbit ZAI to come back...

(End of this chapter)

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