Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 459 Here Comes, But More Than One 1

Chapter 459 Come back, but more than one 7
Ouyang Yuxuan could see that Xu Ying's emotions were not as calm as she tried to appear on the surface, on the contrary...she might be a little out of control, as can be seen from the way she squeezed Fan Zi's hand in order to restrain her emotions out.

"Xiaoying, I don't have anything to say. Some things are not convenient for me as an outsider. If this affects you a lot, I apologize, but can you tell me what's wrong?" Ouyang Yuxuan asked cautiously.

what happened?Xu Ying doesn't know what's wrong?
"It's nothing, my question...Ouyang, sit back and eat lunch before leaving. I'm not feeling well, so I'm going home first..." Xu Ying's voice was a little hollow. Before Ouyang Yuxuan could respond, she had already appeared. The door of the private room.

Ouyang Yuxuan wanted to go out to stop her, but he didn't, because he didn't know what was going on, what would happen after Xu Ying was stopped?

Xu Ying left the health care center and returned home. As soon as she entered the house, she fell on the ground, feeling as if her whole body was being emptied out. This kind of emptiness came from the heart, the emptiness of the soul...

She drowsily closed her eyes and fell asleep. She didn't know how long it had been. She kept crying in her dream, but the crying was so weak that she didn't even have the strength to cry...

"Xiaoying? Xiaoying?!" Li Hui's eager voice came.

Xu Ying opened her eyes and saw Li Hui's anxious face.Uh, what time is it, why is mom back?
"Xiaoying? What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong, do you want to go to the hospital?!" Li Hui asked anxiously.

The girl in front of Li Hui at this moment has big eyes that are swollen like walnuts, and her fair face is not healthy white at all, but rather pale, especially her lips have lost their blood color, and some are turning purple. What's wrong?Good morning...

"Mom, I'm fine. I'll just lie down. Why are you here this afternoon?" Xu Ying forced a smile, comforting her mother.

Li Hui reached out and touched Xu Ying's forehead to make sure that she didn't have a fever, and then said: "Your head teacher called me and said that you were absent from class for no reason. I am anxious, so I will go home and have a look. If there is no such thing, I will go to your school." coming..."

"But why did you come back without talking to the teacher? It's not good to be absent from class!" Although Xu Ying looks very bad, but junior high school is no better than elementary school after all, it is better not to have such things as absenteeism, so Li Hui He still spoke a few words of reproach.

Xu Ying nodded. She hasn't made up her mind yet. Maybe she should leave the No. [-] Middle School. Maybe it was wrong for her to choose to follow the trajectory of her previous life. She has changed so much in this life, and it's ridiculous to follow her fate. track? !

"Xiaoying, sleep for a while if you feel uncomfortable. What do you want to eat at night? Mom will buy you some food?!" Li Hui saw the pain on Xu Ying's face, although she didn't know why she was uncomfortable, But with the child like this, she still feels distressed to death.This kid's biggest hobby is eating delicious food...

"Mom, whatever you want, I like to eat anything you make!" What Xu Ying said is true, she likes fried shredded potatoes because her mother made it.

Li Hui pampered the lying girl's face, looked at the quilt again, and said, "You have a good rest, mom is going out to buy vegetables, so I won't disturb you!"

The room fell silent again.Xu Ying felt that when she was upset, she seemed to be afraid of being quiet. When she was quiet, she would make some wrong decisions, such as committing suicide in her last life. She just couldn't figure it out by herself in the room...

(End of this chapter)

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