Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 462 How did it become like this 2

Chapter 462 How did it become like this 2
Ouyang went out of Xu Ying's door with Cheng Jiaxuan, Cheng Jiaxuan kept smiling, and Ouyang Yuxuan was a little hairy when he laughed.In the end, he couldn't take it anymore, so he simply held back his good brother.

"Hey, Ah Xuan, what's the matter? Can you not make this expression?" Ouyang Yuxuan couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

Cheng Jiaxuan turned his head, the corner of his mouth deepened into a smile, heheed, and asked, "What? Am I not smiling? Isn't it good to laugh?"

Ouyang Yuxuan gave Cheng Jiaxuan a blank look. If others don't know, doesn't he know?Cheng Jiaxuan's laughing in front of outsiders is a disguise, but when he is with himself, he rarely smiles, it should be said that he is an ice man, and now he keeps laughing and laughing, is it okay?
"Ah Xuan, show those outsiders what you are doing, don't do it like me, tell me, what's going on?!" Ouyang Yuxuan concluded that something was wrong.

Cheng Jiaxuan lowered his head, looked again at the passbooks and financial statements held in his hands, nodded, and gave them all to Ouyang Yuxuan.

Ouyang Yuxuan took a look at it, and sighed: "Oh, I can't tell, that girl Xu Ying managed your money so neatly, it's not a lot... Tsk tsk, it's rare!" This time, he asked for Ouyang's dividend by himself, and that girl seemed very reluctant.What a difference...

"Okay? Do you think this is okay?" Cheng Jiaxuan questioned Ouyang Yuxuan.

Here Ouyang heard that Cheng Jiaxuan's tone was wrong, so he turned his attention to Ah Xuan again. :"What happen to you guys?!"

"Ouyang!? After so many years, did I come to Beishi again just for this little money? Ah? What is she giving me these things now?!" Cheng Jiaxuan roared.

At night, the streets are brightly lit, but it makes the shadow of Cheng Jiaxuan, a young man, even more lonely...

"Ah Xuan, you...Xiaoying may not know..." Ouyang Yuxuan comforted, what could he say?But even Cheng Jiaxuan and Xu Ying's EQ, he doesn't believe Xu Ying, she doesn't understand Cheng Jiaxuan's intentions, the two have reached a consensus since they were young...

"I don't know!? She doesn't know that I do so much? I'm sick? Why should I help her? I don't know how to do business? It's not good for me to go? Is Europe not good? Why do I come to this bird? Place? Say it, Ouyang, say it!" Cheng Jiaxuan's roar made Ouyang Yuxuan stand aside speechless.

This brother of his has never been disturbed since he met him. He has a way of dealing with even the most serious things, and he never loses his temper. so……

"Ah Xuan, you...can't really fall in love with Xiaoying, right?" Ouyang Yuxuan asked uncertainly.

Cheng Jiaxuan's roar stopped abruptly, he stared at the ground blankly, do you love him?He didn't know, but he just couldn't stand Xu Ying's attitude, why did he make himself feel like an outsider, or a very outsider...

"Love? Are you kidding me? Will I fall in love with her? Is she worthy to call me love? What is she? A poor girl who has never seen the world. I, Cheng Jiaxuan, the future patriarch of the Cheng family, will I love her?!" Cheng Jiaxuan laughed Loudly, but Ouyang heard a kind of sadness.

Patriarch?Did Ah Xuan agree to the old man's request?Seeing Cheng Jiaxuan's smile, Ouyang felt sad...

(End of this chapter)

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