Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 469 Celebrity Banquet 7 [2 more]

Chapter 469 Celebrity Banquet 7 [2 more]

Li Kaiyan's thoughts were all on Cheng Jiaxuan and Xu Ying just now, but she didn't notice that Cheng Jiahao, the second most handsome guy in the class, also stayed by her side for a while.

" are, Cheng Jiahao, Cheng Jiaxuan's brother, right?" Li Kaiyan was not in the mood to talk to him, and answered perfunctorily.

Cheng Jiahao seemed very interested in chatting with Li Kaiyan: "I heard from Su Na just now that you are the commander's granddaughter?"

Li Kaiyan didn't care what Cheng Jiahao was thinking, she just nodded mechanically.

The air at night is exceptionally good, especially in the private manor-style villa where Cheng Jiaxuan held the banquet. Cheng Jiahao took a deep breath, smiled and stroked Li Kaiyan's cheek with one hand, "Don't be unhappy..."

Li Kaiyan was struggling with what happened just now, when a soft hand caressed her face, she froze in place, staring at Cheng Jiahao in a daze...

The moonlight, hazy and intoxicating, Li Kaiyan was hit by Su Na and Cheng Jiaxuan at this moment, she felt lost, and forgot that her face was touched by others, but Cheng Jiahao turned his back to the moonlight, plus the original Just being so handsome, Li Kaiyan was stunned for a moment.

A gust of wind blew by, and Li Kaiyan regained consciousness a little bit, and hurriedly turned her head away and said, "What are you doing, really..."

"Xiaoyan..." Cheng Jiahao stretched out his hands to pinch Li Kaiyan's small face, placed it in front of his eyes, and said, "Don't be unhappy, if you are unhappy, I will be unhappy too!"

Although Li Kaiyan said that her EQ is not low, she is a little girl after all. After such a thing, she blushed all of a sudden, she just nodded, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

No matter how dark the night was, with the bright lights in the nearby manor, Cheng Jiahao could naturally see Li Kaiyan's reaction clearly, and said with a satisfied smile, "Then please ask Xiaoyan to be my dance partner now?" Waiting for Li Kaiyan's reply.

Li Kaiyan's sudden change made her dizzy, but this kind of beautiful scenery, coupled with the behavior of a gentleman like Cheng Jiahao, Li Kaiyan felt like a princess who was invited to dance in a fairy tale, and unconsciously responded with her hands. Cheng Jiahao's palm in the office...


Cheng Jiaxuan helped Xu Ying to his resting place, and after putting down Xu Ying, he looked at the person lying on the bed, his face was flushed, as if pain was still running across his face from time to time... Cheng Jiaxuan couldn't help but blame himself, Damn it, if she wasn't angry, she wouldn't be like this...

Hastily ordered the servants to come over with cold wet towels, and boiled some hangover soup by the way...then carefully wiped Xu Ying's sweat dripping from the smell of alcohol...gentle, carefully...

Su Na looked at the serious and gentle Cheng Jiaxuan at the door, frowning...

"How did you come here?!" Ouyang also glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan at the door, and asked Su Na indifferently.

Su Na took back her thoughts and replied: "You, the son of the Ouyang family, have been staying in this small Beishi for a few years, so why don't I come and see?"

Ouyang looked at the disappointment in Su Na's eyes, and asked, "You... really want to marry him?" Ouyang pointed to Cheng Jiaxuan who took care of Xu Ying without distraction in the room.

"What about you? Are you going to marry the eldest lady of the Ye family?" Su Na lowered her head and laughed at herself, "Speaking of which, it seems that I was your fiancée?"

Ouyang's eyes were complicated... How did he know that the marriage contract arranged by his family had changed so much because of his escape, but after the change, the old man in the family felt that Su Na's appearance didn't suit him, so he arranged for the daughter of the Ye family...

(End of this chapter)

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