Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 473 Celebrity Banquet 11 [1 more]

Chapter 473 Celebrity Banquet 11 [1 more]

When the four people in the room were melancholy, Li Kaiyan came in from the outside with Cheng Jiahao on her arm, glanced at Su Na as if showing off, and then at Xu Ying who was lying on the bed.

"Today is a banquet, what are you doing here?" Li Kaiyan said very bluntly, as if she was the host of the banquet.

Seeing Li Kaiyan's virtue, Su Na frowned. This girl was still fighting for Jiaxuan just now, why did she turn her arm around Cheng Jiahao?You have to know that Cheng Jiahao has no status in the Cheng family, just because he is a boy, the old man saved his life, but he can't use Cheng, but use Cheng...

Xu Ying saw Li Kaiyan's hands straddling Cheng Jiahao's arms as soon as she came in, and then glanced at Cheng Jiahao, who didn't care... The nature of the ?It's just that I loved him so much at the time, so I didn't realize that he was such a person at all?
"Cheng Jiahao, have you changed your partner?" Ouyang Yuxuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, Cheng Jiaxuan or Su Na, even Xu Ying doesn't want to point out this embarrassment, but Ouyang will not, he just can't see it People like this are pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Jiahao smiled with a gentle smile, which made Xu Ying feel for a moment that Cheng Jiahao's smile was trying to imitate Cheng Jiaxuan, but if she had been in the past, she would have been caught by a gentle smile, but in this life she knew Cheng Jiaxuan and knew better The real feeling of that gentle smile, this kind of copycat imitator suddenly looks extremely lame in Xu Ying's eyes...

"My good brother robbed me of my partner, so I have no choice but to use his partner. Besides, Xiaoyan will be a good partner! What do you think, Jiaxuan?" Cheng Jiahao looked at Cheng Jiaxuan provocatively.

Cheng Jiaxuan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and turned to Xu Ying who was in the middle of the road and asked, "What do you think? If you're still dizzy, don't go down, I'll accompany you..."

In a word, several people in the room looked sideways at Xu Ying. Although there was suspicion in Su Na and Ouyang's eyes and jealousy in their eyes, Xu Ying still blushed... It seems that Cheng Jiaxuan doesn't care if anyone is so disgusting now. Just open your mouth...

"It's okay, I'm much better, you are the host of the banquet, it would be outrageous if you don't go..." Xu Ying also replied softly.Ouyang Yuxuan who was on the side looked dumbfounded, how could this be the little witch who had never talked properly with him? ?sky……

Li Kaiyan probably couldn't bear to see this kind of scene where you love me so much, she said in a cold voice: "Then brother Jiahao and I will go down and wait for you!" .

Su Na sighed, stood up from the sofa, and walked to Xu Ying's side: "Let me change your clothes for you, can you dance? I think that girl going downstairs will definitely not make you feel better..."

Xu Ying glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan who was worried, and said with a smile: "Then you have Lao Nana... Do you have the clothes I'm wearing here? My clothes are all sweaty..."

Ouyang smiled and said: "You, Ah Xuan has prepared for you a long time ago. He was going to pick you up if you didn't come, but you came with that guy. He is going to die of anger!"

Cheng Jiaxuan's fair face was also slightly red, and he said to Xu Ying with concern: "Then you change your clothes here, and I'll wait for you downstairs, remember, don't force yourself, nothing is as important as you, understand?"

See, Cheng Jiaxuan is really not stingy with such disgusting words, Xu Ying's inner old face is now extremely red.

PS: If it’s convenient, dear friends, let’s stimulate little C by counting tickets~~motivation.Hey.

(End of this chapter)

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