Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 480 With me here, what are you afraid of 1 [2 more]

Chapter 480 With me here, what are you afraid of 1 [2 more]

Xu Ying turned around and sat on the sofa, took a sip of ice water and said, "If you want to hide it, you can't hide it, so let's just say it straight away?!"

"What?" Cheng Jiaxuan, Ouyang, and Su Na were shocked by Xu Ying's bold and stupid proposal at the same time.

"Xiaoying, I think you may not know what we are facing..." Cheng Jiaxuan excused himself for the girl he liked.

Xu Ying shook her head and said with a smile: "You have misunderstood, I mean, if you ask me, it is easy to say that I am Cheng Jiahao's partner, but you just changed your partner on a whim, if you say that your parents don't believe it, even When asked about Cheng Jiahao, he will not deny it, and the most important thing today is that Su Na is here, so it is even more impossible for you and me to have anything... No one will believe that a girl will look at him What does your fiancé have with other women?!"

What Xu Ying said made the three of them nod their heads, but Su Na sat back on the sofa a little depressed and said, "Why do I feel like I'm not a normal woman when you say it... really depressed!"

Seeing Su Na's aggrieved face, Ouyang ran over like a dog, and said: "You are not a woman, it's too normal, much more normal than her, look in front of you, then look in front of her..."

There was a 'pop'... Ouyang was stunned, Xu Ying was stunned, and Cheng Jiaxuan gloated and looked at his brother Ouyang with sympathy...

"Ouyang Yuxuan, don't you believe me if you keep reading and talking nonsense, and I'll tell you to lie down for the rest of your life?!" Su Na ran away violently...

After Xu Ying reacted, she was very depressed. It seemed that she should be angry... She was said to be at the airport in front of her... Hey, I can't help it, my body is still small...

Over there, Su Na started chasing Ouyang. It turned out that the slap was a trivial matter... Su Na's next plan was to kick her legs... Cheng Jiaxuan shook his head and watched the two people running around in the room... Walking up to Xu Ying, Cheng Jiaxuan Seeing Xu Ying's depressed face, "What's wrong? Xiaoying, you can't be..." After speaking, she looked at Xu Ying's seemed a little peaceful...

"Cheng Jiaxuan! Your uncle!" Xu Ying was not calm anymore...

The stars in this night are particularly bright, and the moon in this night is even more beautiful...


The banquet must pass, and life must continue. Although it was almost three o'clock in the morning when Xu Ying returned home after attending the banquet the night before, she still had to go to school the next day...

Waking up early in the morning, Xu Ying yawned and didn't want to open her eyes. She sat at the dining table and chewed fried dough sticks without taste...

"Xiaoying, don't go to that kind of banquet in the future! After all, you are still young, you are a child, so it is not suitable for an adult occasion!" Li Hui's voice was obviously unhappy, and even reprimanded.

Xu Ying didn't want to argue with her mother, so she just nodded mechanically.After eating, I hurried out.In fact, this is the traditional thinking of the older generation. She estimated that Potian's mother would not change her mind, but in fact, people in the upper class would ask their children to participate in this kind of banquet more, and Xu Ying is in a small place like Beishi. To be able to attend such a banquet, to be honest, I have to thank Cheng Jiaxuan, if he hadn't been angry with himself, I'm afraid she would never have had the opportunity to see such a high-end banquet...

But when it comes to Cheng Jiaxuan...Xu Ying's drooping eyes suddenly opened, her heart was full of warmth, and there was a trace of deer bumping her heart to speed up. Starting today, she was at school. I don't know if he is back with himself again. The distance between them is still... Xu Ying went to school with this kind of teenage anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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