Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 482 With me here, what are you afraid of 3 [4 more]

Chapter 482 With me here, what are you afraid of 3 [4 more]

Yan Ruiliang didn't know who Cheng Jiaxuan was, and he didn't attend yesterday's dance party. Seeing Cheng Jiaxuan's appearance, he still said in a serious tone: "Student Cheng Jiaxuan, you are a new classmate. There may be some things you don't understand. The quality of classmate Xu Ying has always been There was a problem...before..."

'Boom' Before Yan Ruiliang finished speaking, he had already collapsed on a pile of tables and benches.But it wasn't Cheng Jiaxuan who made the move, it was Cheng Jiahao...

"Let me tell you, if you dare to talk nonsense, you won't have to go to school!" Cheng Jiahao was even more angry than Cheng Jiaxuan!
Cheng Jiaxuan stood up and sat back in his original position, looked at Xu Ying meaningfully, and then at his brother Cheng Jiahao.

Xu Ying was even more baffled, this... Didn't Cheng Jiahao have a fling with Li Kaiyan yesterday, why is he standing up for her now?

Yan Ruiliang got up from a pile of desks that he had fallen over and overturned, and said dissatisfiedly: "This is a school, do you think it is on the street? If you want to play around outside, school is not suitable for you!"

At this moment, Yan Ruiliang was talking about Cheng Jiahao, and Xu Ying focused on Cheng Jiahao from the side. Didn't Cheng Jiaxuan's brother say he didn't know anything about the Cheng family?Isn't he the innocent child in the legend?It doesn't seem so now!

"Hmph, if you dare to yell in front of me again, you can try it!" Cheng Jiahao clapped his hands, and sat back in his seat calmly, but then glanced at Xu Ying and Cheng Jiaxuan.

"What are you doing?!" Wang Jing's voice interrupted the situation here.

Li Kaiyan turned around and returned to her seat, and Yan Ruiliang also walked back to her desk, but this child is a stick in the legend, and said directly to Wang Jing: "Mr. Learning atmosphere, they beat me even after I stopped it!"

The direction of Yan Ruiliang's finger was Xu Ying and Cheng Jiaxuan's side... Xu Ying glanced at Wang Jing, walked to the podium and sat down without showing any expression, and said, "Sit down first!"

It's impossible for Wang Jing to end like this, right?Xu Ying said from the bottom of her heart, as expected just after she finished thinking, Wang Jing said contemptuously, "Xu Ying, get up~!"

Xu Ying stood up and looked at Wang Jing with a clear face.

"Yo, am I right? Yan Ruiliang said something wrong? Did you wrong me?!" Wang Jing's voice was so high that it was harsh.

Xu Ying didn't speak, she didn't know what to say, Wang Jing has always targeted herself, since Li Kaiyan made a fool of herself at the ball last night, I'm afraid...

"Stop talking now? Why did you talk so much when you seduced a man..."

"Enough!" Cheng Jiaxuan stood up and interrupted Wang Jing.

"Cheng Jiaxuan, you'd better sit down now!" Wang Jing scolded with stern eyes and a cold tone.

Cheng Jiaxuan smiled instead of anger: "I really don't know who in this world can order my Cheng clan?!"

Wang Jing's complexion suddenly became ugly. This Cheng Jiaxuan actually moved out of the Cheng family in front of so many students?Did he really do this for that little JIAN as Yanyan said?You must know that the four major families do not exist in front of ordinary people. If you ask a hundred people, I am afraid that a hundred people will not know it, but who in the upper class and the predators who control the world do not know it?

Fortunately, Wang Jing's father used to be in this circle, but he didn't know much about it. The only thing he remembered was that the four major families should not be messed with!

PS: If you can, please support the original version, after all, it is not easy for me to write.Thank you Xiaobao for reminding you every day, I will work hard.Stable 6 updates every day, if there are more favorites or clicks, I will update more.But it will be updated on the 6th guaranteed day.

(End of this chapter)

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