Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 497 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 2 [End of 7]

Chapter 497 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 2 [End of 7]

Xu Ying looked at Duan Qi, Duan Qi sighed and asked: "Mr. Xu, have you finished the paper?"

Xu Sijun immediately took out a test paper and put it in front of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying looked at the test paper, and found that there was no imprint of new ink on it. It was clear that the test paper had been out for a long time... Not to mention that she had planned it for a long time, she would be sorry for the permanent ink on the paper.

"Okay, now count the time, you start!" Wang Jing didn't wait for Duan Qi to speak, and directly handed a pen to Xu Ying.

The corner of Xu Ying's mouth sneered, she lowered her head and ignored the excitement in Wang Jing's eyes.

But when Xu Ying focused on the paper, she smiled again, raised her head and said to Xu Sijun, "Teacher, are you sure this is a question for me?"

There was only a second of panic in Xu Sijun's eyes, and he asked, "Of course!"

Xu Ying nodded, and asked again with a disdainful smile on the corner of her mouth: "Mr. Xu, do you know Wu Xiumei?"

Duan Qi and Huang Hai glanced at each other without saying a word.

Xu Sijun shook his head, "I don't know, what's wrong?"

"Xu Ying, let me remind you, you only have one and a half hours!" Wang Jing was very uncomfortable seeing the smile on Xu Ying's mouth, and besides, she kept pestering Xu Sijun...

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll answer the question!" Xu Ying lowered her head and began to write.

Seeing Xu Ying writing without even thinking about it, Xu Sijun couldn't help being a little curious. The questions she came up with were clearly...

Duan Qi and Huang Hai looked at Xu Ying who was writing quickly, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, if Xu Ying really had a problem, Duan Qi couldn't bear it, and Huang Hai couldn't help it.

An hour and a half later, Wang Jing said, "It's time!"

Xu Ying scratched the last punctuation mark and let out a sigh of relief.Just as Wang Jing was about to take back the test paper to Xu Sijun, Xu Ying pressed the test paper on the table.

"What are you doing?" Wang Jing asked.

Xu Ying said with a smile: "Teacher, you have finished your request, I will follow suit, and I also have some requests!" After speaking, she looked at Duan Qi.

Duan Qi asked, "What request?!"

"I ask another authoritative Chinese teacher to correct my papers. I doubt Teacher Xu's moral integrity!" Xu Ying said bluntly.

Xu Sijun blushed suddenly. After all, in front of the principal, Xu Ying gave too much: "Xu Ying, what do you mean?!"

"It doesn't mean anything, just what you heard!" Xu Ying continued to smile.

After Duan Qi and Huang Hai looked at each other, Duan Qi said, "Mr. Liang, you decide!"

Liang Wei has a big head...why, why is he always the one who offends people so much...but the principal said, he had to do it, "Well, let's ask Mr. Dai Bojia, the head of the language team of the school's high school department, to correct it!" After Wei finished speaking, he glanced at Duan Qi and Huang Hai.I chose the high school group, this student is in the junior high school group, and Xu Sijun is also in the junior high school group, so don't offend anyone now.

"I object!" Xu Sijun didn't wait for Duan Qi to speak, and said first: "Why do you ask the teachers from the high school group to do the junior high school questions?!"

Seeing Xu Sijun's reaction, Duan Qi thought about Xu Ying's question about Wu Xiumei just now, and she had already guessed 7788 with all her strength, and said directly: "Since we said that we need to be fair and notarized, should we also give students a chance to choose, Xu Ying, you Do you think Teacher Dai can do it?"

Although Xu Ying didn't know who Teacher Dai was, but seeing Xu Sijun's objection, she was OK.Nod your head in agreement.Liang Wei received the message and went straight out to find Teacher Dai.

The house in the north is actually not hot, especially in the city of Beishi, but Xu Sijun's back is drenched in sweat...

PS: I'm jealous of Xu Ying, she has Cheng Jiaxuan by her side all the time, little C and I get along badly, do I want to abuse the two of them evilly... I'm planning... the mother who lost love is a stepmother... hum.

(End of this chapter)

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