Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 507 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 12

Chapter 507 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 12
Li Liying was still struggling with Qi Yu's fate, but now she saw that Xu Ying was completely angry, so she stopped talking immediately. She and Xiaoying have known each other for so many years, and she always discusses everything with herself. Now she is with her like this It was the first time for her to speak by herself, but it was true that even she herself couldn't say a word of refutation about the company's situation today.

"Xiaoying, well, your Auntie Li is just nostalgic for the old days, you should clearly distinguish between the primary and the secondary!" Meng Tianyi smoothed things over.

Xu Ying didn't speak, what could she say?Li Liying is an elder, but there are no fathers and sons in the mall, so it is impossible for her to use her property to talk to her here.

"Xiaoying, I know it's my fault this time, but Qi Yu really..." Li Liying wanted to fight for that girl again.

Xu Ying sneered, "Aunt Li, if she is really okay, I said I would definitely ask her to stay in Huamei, but think about it, who is the closest person to you in daily affairs? The person surnamed Lu today Obviously he came prepared, he should not have known about this plan before theoretically, but what? I will find out if there is any problem with Qi Yu, but Aunt Li, you are considered an old man in the mall, who do you think is the What about someone with such a clean surface?"

Xu Ying's words hinted that in the past few years in the mall, Li Liying should have seen too many people who make sense and hide things. For example, Huamei Group sometimes needs to play tricks. She Li Liying will not So naive to think that a secretary is that simple?
That's the end of the conversation, Li Liying didn't say any more.

Xu Ying was silent for a while, coughed, and said, "I'm afraid you should pay more attention recently..."

Meng Tianyi raised his head and looked at Xiao Ying who had a troubled face. After so many years of contact, he knew that Xu Ying would not say this for no reason.

"Did something happen to Xiaoying?" Meng Tianyi asked.

"I may have offended someone I shouldn't! I told Aunt Li before that Huamei might be defeated!" Xu Ying thought of the possibility she was facing, and there was still a tinge of sadness in her heart.

Meng Tianyi was shocked for a moment and didn't say a word. Li Liying looked at Xu Ying. Last time she thought she was just talking, but this time she said the same in front of Meng Tianyi. I'm afraid...

"Xiaoying... Can Huamei... be defeated? Now all the real estate in Beishi is basically ours. Even if other houses come in, we will contract them to do it. You say, Huamei is defeated?" Meng Tianyi couldn't imagine, let alone The industry of Old Tan in Shenzhen City, just to say that Huami’s industry in Beishi is estimated to be close to hundreds of millions, lost?What is this P talk?Meng Tianyi couldn't accept it.

"Brother? You blame me?" Xu Ying smiled wryly, she didn't blame Meng Tianyi for blaming herself.After all, it's all blood.

Meng Tianyi shook his head: "Xiaoying, although I don't know what it is, but you said that Huamei was defeated, at least I can't think of it now, but there is one thing, you remember, Huamei was built step by step by us. The painstaking effort you put in is not something you just lose, even if the situation is so serious that there is no room for it, at least you have to work hard, right? Your current attitude makes me feel that you have already lost!" Meng Tian seemed to think of it when he said After these years of hardships, his eyes are a little moist.

Xu Ying felt a bit of guilt in her heart, yes, all these years, she was just thinking and planning, but Li Liying and Meng Tianyi are the ones who really do things, if she declares that she must lose now, it may be just money for her Question, what about them?Such a choice, I am too selfish!

(End of this chapter)

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