Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 521 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 26

Chapter 521 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 26
Xu Ying's eyes deepened slightly, and she said in a deep voice, "If you're looking for trouble, you can just find me, why are you here?!" Here are her most important people...

Yifan looked at the little girl who lowered her head and didn't look at him, and said with a smile: "If I can find you directly, why should I make a special trip here?"

The meaning is clear, it is to let Xu Ying know that they can find her family at any time. Yes, Xu Ying is not afraid of anything, but her family is her weakness... If she had to choose between Cheng Jiaxuan and her family, she might just would choose the latter.

Xu Ying was silent and didn't speak. What she was thinking at the moment was what to do.

Seeing Xu Ying's expression, Cheng Jiaxuan naturally guessed her inner thoughts, and lightly patted Xu Ying's arm...

"Students, come up and sleep! The house is ready!" Cheng Sulan didn't know the situation in the courtyard, so she yelled on it as soon as the bed was made.

Xu Ying was very disturbed, she just wanted to lie down and be quiet, and went straight to the second floor after listening.

Sleeping at night, Xu Ying, Li Hui, Cheng Sulan and Aunt Zhao are in the same room, Ouyang Yuxuan is in the same room as Cheng Jiaxuan, and Yifan is with Xu Chenghai. It's very simple. Yifan is an outsider after all, and Xu Chenghai is an adult no matter what...

There was nothing to say all night, Yifan got up early and had already packed his things and was about to leave. Before leaving, he took advantage of the gap and said to Cheng Jiaxuan: "Master, the old man said, as long as your heart is in the Cheng family, everything is easy to talk about!"

Cheng Jiaxuan narrowed his eyes, feeling cold all over his body.

When Ouyang saw Cheng Jiaxuan's application, he already guessed a thing or two. He ran away from Ouyang's house back then, and the other party used everything, but he didn't have a weakness like Cheng Jiaxuan, and he was still promising in Beishi. Business in other cities He can also take care of it, but the Ouyang family has not cared much about him in the past two years.

Cheng Jiaxuan was different. He was with an ordinary girl like Xu Ying, which the elders of the family didn't want to see. For them, everything about the family was more important than anything else, so now Xu Ying became a thorn in their side.

Seeing the cold man named Yifan leave, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.Li Hui and the others don't know that Yifan is the first-class killer of the four major families, and has countless dead souls under him. Of course, Li Hui and the others may not even know who the four major families are...

There is nothing wrong with being in this poor country. The only good thing is that the air is good and quiet, but it is also very boring. Ouyang Yuxuan can't stand it after only a few days. Just after 8 o'clock, Cheng Sulan called everyone to sleep, he really couldn't bear it.

"Ah Xuan, let's go back... If this continues, I will really be like him!" Ouyang Yuxuan pointed at the man squatting in the wheat field smoking a dry pipe...

Xu Ying burst out laughing, and said, "Don't worry, we will stay for a few days before leaving. Today, let's go and see the school donated by my aunt..."

Cheng Jiaxuan gave Ouyang Yuxuan a blank look, he was really worthless, he had only been here for a few days, and he was still a young master of the underworld, so he couldn't bear this bit of hardship.Helplessly, Ouyang could only follow the two with a sad face.

The school is in the middle of the village. It is just a small two-story building, a piece of dusty land, and a larger yard surrounded by some green bricks. This school is different from Xu Ying’s former Xiguan Primary School. Than, even the old site can't compare, let alone the new teaching area that Xiguan Primary School has rebuilt...

(End of this chapter)

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