Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 523 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 28

Chapter 523 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 28
Although Xu Ying likes to eat farm food very much, but now that there are three people sitting in front of her, Xu Ying really has no appetite.

But seeing that Yang Gongming's hair has turned gray a lot, Zhao Lan's face has lost the arrogance of the past, and the other person who came with her is Yang Ping, who is famous for her loud voice. She has not said a word since entering the door.
The three of them could no longer see Xu Ying's arrogance when she was 5 years old, and her body was surrounded by a thick layer of pessimism...

"Well, Huihui, how are you doing?" Zhao Lan looked at Li Hui and asked.

Li Hui smiled and said, "Auntie, it's pretty good, how are you doing lately?"

Xu Ying looked at Zhao Lan and sneered in her heart, she could tell from their appearance that something was wrong.

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Lan replied, and then looked at Xu Ying who was sitting opposite and looked at them coldly.

This little devil is here to make their family of three unable to laugh.

"Are you here for something?" Xu Ying asked.


'Crack' Xu Ying was patted on the back of the head by Aunt Zhao, "What is this kid talking about? Your aunt is coming over, can you come if you have nothing to do?" Aunt Zhao put down the last plate of cucumbers and said with a smile: "You also Don’t come to our house anymore, I thought you were angry!”

In fact, Aunt Zhao didn't have a good impression of her younger sister's family, but no matter what, they were related by blood, but Aunt Zhao didn't know why Zhao Lan's family suddenly stopped harassing them.

"Well, the family is too busy to leave, these children are all married..." Zhao Lan said far-fetched.

Aunt Zhao looked at Zhao Lan in surprise: "Married? Then why didn't you notify us?"

Zhao Lan's face was ugly, and she said intermittently: "Here, I'm afraid you are busy..."

Xu Ying didn't speak, but she was curious, will the marriage of the children in this life be the same as in the previous life?

"Oh? Uncle and aunt are married? What kind of jobs are they all married?!" Xu Ying asked coldly.

Li Hui kicked Xu Ying. At the dinner table, it was too unreasonable to ask the elders like that, but Li Hui saw that Zhao Lan was only distracted, and was ready to answer.

"The eldest is an accountant in the factory, the second is a teacher in the school, the third is at the bank, Pingping is a businessman..." Zhao Lan looked at Xu Ying's expression while talking.

Xu Ying listened carefully, and it was indeed different from the previous life. In the previous life, the boss Yang Siwei’s wife was a designer, Yang Siyong’s wife was from the tax bureau, Yang Simin’s partner was from the Department of Education, and Yang Ping’s husband was an engineer... But Now Zhao Lan's sons-in-law and daughter-in-law are pretty good, so what's the purpose of her coming?

During the meal, Yang Ping didn't say a word, she looked sad, and looked carefully at Xu Ying's expression from time to time.

Aunt Zhao, Cheng Sulan, and Li Hui naturally didn't know that Xu Ying was still the family's creditor, and they all asked ordinary questions.

After eating, Xu Ying watched as her mother, grandmother and aunt went into the kitchen to clean up, while her father took Ouyang to prepare the bed.

Xu Ying sat at the table and asked in a low voice, "I don't know what's the matter with Auntie?"

Yang Ping finally couldn't hold back anymore, and begged cautiously: "Xiaoying, please let us go..."

Xu Ying naturally knew what Yang Ping was talking about. The 50 yuan was based on the current family income, even if the whole family plus those son-in-law and daughter-in-law would have to suffer.

"Auntie, what are you talking about? How could I let you go?" Xu Ying asked knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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