Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 525 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 30

Chapter 525 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 30
Zhao Lan's complexion was not good. She didn't know what Xu Ying meant at first, but now that her husband asked this question, she already knew what the little devil in front of her meant.

"What are you talking about?" Li Hui saw Xu Ying facing her aunt's family after she finished her work, so she hurried over, fearing that her daughter was not too old or young.

Xu Ying glanced at the three of them with uneasy faces and said with a smile: "Oh, just now my aunt said she wanted to buy our old house..."

Li Hui was stunned for a moment, she hadn't decided to sell the house yet, how did her aunt know?The only possibility is that her daughter mentioned it... Li Hui knew that Xu Ying had always had a good idea, and even though she hadn't made up her mind, it was not good for her daughter.

"Oh, buying a house is a big deal, Auntie, you have to figure it out!" Li Hui gave everyone a step up.

"Yes, what Huihui said is right, we want Xiangxiang!" Zhao Lan answered immediately.

Xu Ying shook her head, smiled and pulled Cheng Jiaxuan aside, and stopped talking.

"Xiaoying, you're not going to cheat them again, are you?" Cheng Jiaxuan still has lingering fears when he recalled the scene where Xu Ying went to cheat Zhao Lan's family.

Xu Ying smiled and glanced at Zhao Lanyang's Gongming side, noncommittal, how to look at it, she never asked them for so much money, and in a sense, it eased their current family's financial situation.

But in the final analysis, they add more debt to themselves because they will lose more money in front of them. This is actually a vicious circle.

Cheng Jiaxuan had no intention of persuading Xu Ying. He and Xu Ying were not good men and women. Especially Zhao Lan's family was really hated by Xu Ying, so he had no intention of stopping it.

Xu Yin guessed that no matter how Zhao Lan and the others thought about it, their proposal would definitely be accepted. Sure enough, after lunch the next day, Li Hui, Xu Chenghai and others followed Cheng Sulan to the field, Zhao Lan and Yang Gongming held Xu Ying back.

"Xiaoying, how much is your house?" Zhao Lan was a little nervous.

Xu Ying glanced at the three of them and said, "Now the land price, our house is 15 yuan, how much do you plan to give?"

After Yang Gongming heard the figure, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face... In good conscience, 15 is not expensive, and he has heard that Xu Ying's house is located in the city center and has a good lighting layout. Besides, it has been renovated, the price is definitely not cheating, but I am afraid that it will be taken out once...

"Hehe, Uncle is afraid that he won't be able to come up with so much money, how much can you give away?" Xu Ying had already thought about it for them.

Yang Ping discussed with her parents all night yesterday, so she naturally knew what Yang Gongming meant, so she said directly: "We can only take out 10 for the time being..."

Xu Ying raised her eyebrows when she heard Yang Ping's words, "10? You can save so much money, why don't you pay me back?" In the past few years, the Yang family has only changed to Xu Ying, and it is less than 20. , They were able to save an extra 10. Let alone other things, Xu Ying hates being cheated!
Zhao Lan gave her daughter a hard look, squeezed out a smile and said, "The 10 is Pingping's dowry money and the wife's family put together some, don't get me wrong!" 10 is the money to repay the debt, and they can't say a word.

Xu Ying thought about it for a while, what Zhao Lan said was not unreasonable, and she didn't want to force Zhao Lan's family to a dead end, she said softly, "Well, I won't count your money for house decoration or anything, just give it to me once 15, the total of the two houses is 40, and the remaining 25 will be added to the last arrears!" Xu Ying's calculations were resounding.

(End of this chapter)

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