Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 527 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 32

Chapter 527 I Don't Care, But Don't Mess With Me 32
Xu Ying seemed to be so close to her father's heart-to-heart talk for the first time after being reborn. In the countryside at night, the sky was clearer. Xu Ying looked at the stars in the sky and took a deep breath.

"Dad, Huamei Group... Well, it's mine!" Xu Ying looked at her father after finishing speaking.

Xu Chenghai was ready to accept the secret of his daughter, but this sentence still made him a little unbelievable, Huamei, the number one company in Beijing?Now the Huamei Group, which has shadows in the domestic catering industry, is hers?

"You seem to be able to register in my name, didn't you transfer it out of our factory's name...?" Xu Chenghai tried hard to recall that before his daughter asked him what documents and information he wanted, he never thought of that This is what my daughter is doing...

Xu Ying nodded and said, "Huami has completed its transformation two years ago, and now it is a holding group with a joint-stock system. Dad, you also know how much domestic policies have changed in the past two years. It is meaningless to rely on it... "

Xu Chenghai nodded. He admitted that if he was told two years ago that he would not have a permanent job, he might not have believed it. He would not have believed it if he had been told that the house should be bought by himself and that the units would not be divided. The policy has changed too quickly. ...

But Xu Chenghai took a closer look at the 11-year-old girl next to him. She didn't have any business skills. What was she thinking?And where did her money come from?

Xu Ying looked at Xu Chenghai and knew what her father was going to ask. She put her arms around her father's arm and said, "Dad, let me tell you about your daughter's entrepreneurial history..."

Sitting in the courtyard, Cheng Jiaxuan and Ouyang Yuxuan looked at Xu Ying leaning on Xu Chenghai's shoulder at the door, Ouyang teased: "Do you really hope that the one Xiaoying is relying on is you?"

Cheng Jiaxuan gave Ouyang a blank look: "Come on, that's her father, I can't replace it!...But, what do you think about Yifan?"

As soon as Ouyang heard the name, he put away the unscrupulous smile on his face, frowned and thought for a while: "I think you'd better go back now, the old man must be angry if you stay here again, I'm afraid you'll hurt don't want to, either, right?" Ouyang knew that Cheng Jiaxuan wanted to be with Xu Ying, but they would definitely not be able to compete against the four major families...

Cheng Jiaxuan sighed, and asked instead: "What about you? After staying in Beishi for so many years, what are your plans?"

When Ouyang heard it, he immediately said: "I'm not idle in Beishi. The old man is quite satisfied with it, but you also know that my family's business is in all countries, and the old man didn't want me to take risks now, as long as I can control the business The process is fine, why doesn't he force me to..."

The Ouyang family established themselves in the four major families with arms, and they are the only ones. There is a reason not to let him get involved too early...

Cheng Jiaxuan nodded, "I've asked Jack to help me with the preparations, but I don't feel relieved that my brother is here..."

Ouyang Yuxuan knew that what Cheng Jiaxuan was worried about was the half-brother who even belonged to the Cheng family but had a surname...

"He doesn't know anything, right?" Ouyang Yuxuan asked uncertainly.

A sneer curled up at the corner of Cheng Jiaxuan's mouth, don't you know? "I'm afraid we underestimated him back then!" Thinking of Jack's return, Cheng Jiahao actually had his own influence, although it was not big, but it was enough to show that he was definitely not as harmless as he appeared on the surface...

"You mean he is not reconciled?"

(End of this chapter)

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