Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 533 There is a kind of separation, heartache 1 [7 more]

Chapter 533 There is a kind of separation, heartache 7 [2 more]

It was already dark when she woke up, Xu Ying opened her eyes in a daze and heard someone talking in the bathroom.

"Jack...I know, but I can't leave her now..."

"I know, wait a little longer, it's's's hard work!"

Cheng Jiaxuan's voice drifted into Xu Ying's ears from the bathroom with some weakness.The originally confused mind instantly became extremely sober.

Xu Ying heard that Cheng Jiaxuan was about to finish the phone call, and immediately lay back on the sofa, closed her eyes, her mind was full of the words she didn't know before and after, but even a fool could hear that Jack was urging Cheng Jiaxuan to leave.

Are you being too selfish?Xu Ying felt uncomfortable, but after Cheng Jiaxuan sat on the sofa and sighed, she made a decision.

"" Xiaoying?Are you awake?Get up and eat something! "Cheng Jiaxuan looked at the person lying on the sofa, and felt distressed for no reason. She should tell herself to take good care of her. She shouldn't work so hard in a company, right? However, if Xu Ying didn't have that stubborn energy back then, He might not be attracted to this girl either, people are really contradictory.

"Ah Xuan..." There were no lights around, Xu Ying looked at Cheng Jiaxuan's silhouette, and wanted to imprint this shadow deeply in her heart.

"Get up and go to eat, your mother made two phone calls!" Cheng Jiaxuan said in a relaxed tone, completely different from what Xu Ying heard just now.

The more this is the case, the more uncomfortable Xu Ying feels. She knows that he has her difficulties, but because of her wayward words that day, he has to pretend that nothing happened...

"Ah Xuan, don't take what I say capriciously seriously, if you really have something to do, go ahead, I can do it myself!" Every word Xu Ying said felt like her heart was crying.

Cheng Jiaxuan in the dark did not speak. After a while, Cheng Jiaxuan approached Xu Ying and said softly: "Fool, what are you talking about? Get up and eat now, don't think about anything else!" It was printed on Xu Ying's forehead.

I don't know if it's because I'm too unpromising, but after this kiss, Xu Ying's sad heart seemed to have found the elixir in an instant, and she became so happy. Although she was still sad, at least she was happy at the moment.

"Get up, you lazy pig! My God, you are so lazy, what will you do in the future!" Cheng Jiaxuan dragged Xu Ying who was on the sofa to get up, and brought the shoes to him again.

Xu Ying came back today with a bad mind, and she felt like she was falling apart. She actually didn't know why she was so tired.

"Okay, I'll do it myself!" Asking Cheng Jiaxuan to put on shoes, Xu Ying felt very embarrassed.

Cheng Jiaxuan patted Xu Ying's outstretched paw: "Don't move, my husband will put on your shoes, be good!"

Although the light was not turned on, Xu Ying's face was absolutely red, what a husband, what a little P child...Xu Ying was heartbroken, but a trace of sweetness still lingered in her heart.

Cheng Jiaxuan passed on the shoes to Xu Ying, and the two of them went out together. When they were walking towards Xu Ying's house, Xu Ying suddenly felt that this feeling was like a married couple returning to their mother's house for dinner... She couldn't help but secretly glanced at her side and compared herself Cheng Jiaxuan was half a head tall.

In the daytime, Cheng Jiaxuan looked like a character from the anime, but the night color dyed his face at this moment, making it more three-dimensional and distinct, one word: handsome!

"What are you looking at? Do you think I'm super handsome?" Cheng Jiaxuan suddenly caught Xu Ying's squinting eyes.

Xu Ying said with a guilty conscience: "Handsome P, gray hair is so ugly!"

Cheng Jiaxuan touched his hair, is it gray and ugly?I always thought it was pretty...

(End of this chapter)

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