Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 545 There is a kind of separation, heartache 1

Chapter 545 There is a kind of separation, heartache 19
Normally, Ouyang Yuxuan would have jumped up and complained about Xu Ying, but he could tell that Xu Ying's question was not a joke, let alone a random question.

After thinking carefully for a few minutes, he said: "The more you care about fate, the more you will be led away by him...For example, I should have stayed abroad and transported those 7788 things..." Ouyang was embarrassed Talk about arms.

"However, I feel quite happy staying in Beishi now. Although I belong to the family, I still think happiness is the most important thing. Then what do you say is fate? Isn't it in my own hands?"

As soon as Ouyang Yuxuan finished speaking, Cheng Jiaxuan came in and asked, "Yo, Ouyang, are you a magic stick? It's fate here..." He sat down and put the documents in his hand on the table.

Xu Ying heard Cheng Jiaxuan's voice. Sitting on the sofa, she looked at the gray-haired boy in front of her. Tears could not stop falling. She could clearly feel that they might be separated. If there was fate, Did they have to separate...?
"Xiaoying? What's the matter?" Cheng Jiaxuan was originally smiling, but when he saw Xiaoying who opened her eyes, she couldn't stop the tears from her eyes, and watched her fall, she was a little panicked...

Xu Ying looked at the flustered Cheng Jiaxuan, and felt even more uncomfortable. If he didn't care about herself, and she was only with him out of interests, then everything would be easier, but...

"Xuan... I'm so scared, I'm afraid of losing you, I'm really... scared!" Xu Ying was a little collapsed at the moment, she had no image, and regardless of Ouyang Yuxuan's presence, she threw herself into Cheng Jiaxuan's arms, shedding all her snot and tears. Wiping it on his clean light blue shirt, breathing hard, trying to engrave the unique faint scent of jasmine on his body into memory.

How long have Ouyang Yuxuan and Xu Ying known each other? In his eyes, she always has a dark belly. She has nothing to do with a cruel girl before meals. He is also stupid... …

"Hey! Xu Ying! What's wrong with you? Why are you crying? I'll go, just that kid from the Su family, you don't have to do anything, I, Ouyang, will deal with him!" Ouyang Yuxuan thought that Xu Ying was because of the loss that Huamei was facing now is crying.

It is absolutely justified for him to make a move, after all, Huamei has a small amount of money from him~
Cheng Jiaxuan patted Xu Ying's sobbing shoulder and comforted him: "Okay, don't cry, what are you afraid of? I've said it all, I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Xu Ying cried even more when she heard these words, because her first reaction in her heart was, what if you were gone... But she didn't ask this question, she was afraid that Cheng Jiaxuan would not answer her, and she felt even more frightened .

Anyway, Xu Ying started crying, holding Cheng Jiaxuan to cry out all her fears and grievances over the years, maybe she suppressed it for too long...

Ouyang Yuxuan tried to persuade him at first, but then he simply sat on the side and stopped talking. He could feel that Xu Ying was crying so much. It was probably not just about the second boy of the Su family. Otherwise, what happened in the mall could make Xu Ying lose her composure? ?At least he hasn't seen it in the past few years.

I don't know how long I cried, but Xu Ying felt that she was done crying, she wiped her tired eyes, and said with swollen eyes, "I'm done crying, it's okay!"

Cheng Jiaxuan looked at the girl with swollen walnut eyes, and said with a gentle smile, "Okay? Are you hungry? You have been crying for an entire hour. You have exhausted so much energy. How about some tonic soup?"

Ouyang saw that Xu Ying was done venting, put down the magazine in his hand, ran over and said, "Sister, are you finished? My God, it's finally over! I said, how wronged are you, crying like this? Call Axuan I thought I treated you so badly these past few years!" You must know that Cheng Jiaxuan had told her not to be wronged before he left.

(End of this chapter)

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