Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 548 There is a kind of separation, heartache 1

Chapter 548 There is a kind of separation, heartache 22
It is the natural law of this world to be happy while worrying at the same time. Xu Ying thinks about it and feels that everything is easy to solve, but Su Qingbin is very unhappy because he can't think about it!
"Master, everyone you want has been brought here!" He Yuan bowed his head carefully in return.

Su Qingbin casually looked at the sun coming in from the window, and asked an irrelevant question: "What did she do today?"

He Yuan's head is getting bigger, but I still have to say that she is naturally referring to Xu Ying, the real chairman of Huamei Group!

"Well, the one who came back said that I stayed at home for a day today, and I'm going to have dinner with the young masters of the Ouyang family and the young master of the Cheng family outside!" He Yuan was more careful, he couldn't remember the past few days because he heard this girl According to these news, I have been hit by UFOs several times.

'boom! 'A vase flew out again, but fortunately He Yuan had already gained experience, so he dodged it and hurriedly said: "Master... just for a meal!..."

"Shut up, and I'll tell someone to seal your mouth with hemp rope!" Su Qingbin's tone was light, but the coldness that emanated made He Yuan still sweat.

Su Qingbin's heart was hurting, he fell in love with the beauty of the sun shining into the window because of her, every day, as long as there was sun, he would look at it, and later asked people to stand in the sun, just to see the beauty of the sun shining on the eyelashes Mottled thinks of her...

He made an appointment for ten years when he left...but why didn't she even give him this time?He knew at that time that she was starting a business, but he was too young to understand... His father only said not to be with her, and he obeyed... He regretted it, and regretted it madly!

Why did his father tell him everything about his family after a few years? If he had known that he was the young master of the Su family of the four major families, he would have worked hard with her to help her succeed in her career. Isn't it him?Thinking of all these misses, Su Qingbin only felt uncomfortable.

"You said those three people were brought? Bring them in?" Su Qingbin turned and sat back in his chair.

He Yuan hurriedly went out to lead someone. This young master looked red-faced, white-toothed, and innocent in his eyes. He was a little devil who did things well. If he hadn't been the patriarch of the family, he might not know where his bones were buried now!

After a while, Lu Yufeng, Qi Yu and Cao Meimei were brought before Su Qingbin.

Lu Yufeng and the three of them looked at each other, so what did Secretary He mean by bringing them in front of a young man?All three of them couldn't help looking at He Yuan.

He Yuan lowered his head and said softly, "Go back to Young Master, the three of you have already arrived!"

Su Qingbin opened his closed eyes after hearing He Yuan's words, and looked at the three people in front of him coldly.

"Yo, this doll is so beautiful, tsk tsk!" Qi Yu opened her mouth first. She had met many teenagers, but the one who left her impression was the gray-haired boy in Director Li's office that day, and the other one was the one in front of her. child……

"He Yuan..." Su Qingbin ignored Qi Yu's praise and called He Yuan who was standing in a low voice.

He Yuan walked up to Qi Yu and pushed off his gold-rimmed glasses: "I'm sorry, Miss Qi!"

'Crack' Before Qi Yu realized what Secretary He meant, she was slapped hard on the face, and then countless slaps came down, making her dizzy and unsteady, and she knelt down on the ground!
"Okay..." Su Qingbin saw Qi Yu kneeling on the ground with blood on his mouth, turned his head away in disgust, and told He Yuan to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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