Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 559 Life is like a drama

Chapter 559 Life is like a drama (finale 3)

Li Liying didn't speak, and directly signed her name, let alone Xu Chenghai, is it plausible that she is an old man and doesn't support her daughter?
Seeing the three signing directly, Xu Ying stood up and walked to the middle, and bowed deeply to the three of them: "Thank you, especially Brother Meng for your trust and carelessness, and Aunt Li for your tolerance... "

The few people sitting here suddenly have a feeling that this separation, it may take a long time before they get together again, right?
"Oh, why are you so sad, why don't you go to the health care center today? Xiaoying, shouldn't it be time for you to treat me?" Ouyang Qiqi suggested.

Li Liying also stood up and put the document in Xu Ying's hand, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Then let's go? What are you waiting for?"

Xu Ying wanted to cry in her heart, but she shed too many tears... She didn't want to cry anymore, and she didn't want to cry for separation!
In the health care center at night, Xu Ying was really drunk for the first time, not pretending like the last party, this time she drank completely unconscious, later heard from Ouyang that she hugged her father for a while that day Called Cheng Jiaxuan's name, then called Su Qingbin for a while, and said that he was sorry for the baby...


Three days later, Huamei Dingsheng Group, the number one enterprise in Beishi, announced its disintegration due to disagreement among senior executives.

One month later, Beijing Meiyuan Food Development Co., Ltd. acquired all the catering brands under Huamei, including the health care center, Quande Roast Duck, and the food development of all special snacks... The company became a hit and was well-known It is the first endorsement company of Chinese specialty food in China...

Three months later, Tianyi Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd. was established in Inner Mongolia. The company took the lead in establishing factories in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. People from all walks of life in the industry have speculated about Tianyi, which has already built several factories in the golden area of ​​Shenzhen. , but then they became the first batch of companies in China to represent top electronic products such as mobile phones and MP3 players. As a result, reports of No.1, the dark horse in the electronics industry, followed one after another...

Five months later, SQB Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. was established in Beishi, becoming the second company after Huamei Dingsheng Group to take over all real estate projects in the real estate industry. It was speculated that it might be repackaged and established by Huamei Dingsheng's shareholders, but then, On the 1st, 1 Japan Co., Ltd., Outersley injected 200 billion into SQB's real estate company, and SQB's move to enter all real estate industries including domestic Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, and southern coastal cities has caused industry insiders to dispel this. a guess...

Because it is rumored that the grandson of Outersley's BOSS died in the real estate developed by Huamei Dingsheng, so it is impossible for the enemy to donate money, right?Then there are rumors that the reason for the disintegration of Huamei is the black hand behind the scenes of Outlets...

And behind all of this, Xu Ying is sitting in a junior high school classroom wearing a white school uniform, taking the most common English class...


Seven years later, in the No. 7 University in North China, a young and beautiful girl hurried past the phoenix tree downstairs with a book in her professional class.

"Xu Ying?" Zhang Yiyi, who was in the same dormitory, ran up from behind.

"Today's class was so difficult, I slept through a class..." Zhang Yiyi complained.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said, "You, you always talk about sleeping, and you can score high in the final exam!"

Zhang Yiyi smiled embarrassedly: "It's not because of you, a beautiful woman... Ha!" If Xu Ying hadn't checked out those test questions for herself every time, how could she have passed, the most amazing thing is that Xu Ying ticked it. 10 out of 9 key points, really worthy of being a top student in psychology!
(End of this chapter)

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