Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 561 Life is like a play

Chapter 561 Life is like a play (finale 5)
The two of them went upstairs all the way, but in this magnificent European-style building, they didn't meet anyone, only the flickering monitoring device... This is also the reason why this club can attract rich and famous stars from all walks of life. Don't worry about being photographed, because the annual fee for an ordinary membership card is 500 million a year, and some low-profile starlets would not be able to get in if they weren't brought by the rich...

The two went up all the way, pushed the door and entered the distinguished room of the black card supreme VIP, the whole door was studded with diamonds and wrapped in platinum... The level of luxury is astonishing!
Every time Ouyang saw it, he would say, "Look, a typical nouveau riche!"

Xu Ying rolled her eyes: "What do you know! This is luxury! Hey, dirt! I don't want to tell you!"

"Xiaoying! Why are you and Ouyang so slow? Is it time for his car to be replaced? It's still a sports car!" Su Na complained.

Xu Ying turned her head to look at Ouyang who was showing off his power at the door just now, and now he is drinking water honestly beside him without saying a word...

"When will Ah Xuan arrive?" Xu Ying was in a nervous mood. For several years, they met each other through video. I don't know how much taller he has grown now...

Su Na smiled... As soon as the door of the private room opened, a handsome guy with gray eyes appeared in front of Xu Ying. He was wearing the European-style tight-fitting suit that Xu Ying liked... Putting his good figure on him The outline is extremely clear...

"Ah Xuan..."


"Ah Xuan..."


The two repeated each other's name, calling Ouyang the sweat on one side, did the two have nothing to say when they met?

"Cheng Jiaxuan! Why did you dye your hair?!" Xu Ying changed her lines in the next sentence!Ouyang hugged Su Na and almost threw her down.

Cheng Jiaxuan touched his hair, said with a smile: "Didn't you say that my gray hair is not good-looking..."

Xu Ying was speechless...that's a complaint, okay... really...

"You two go home and talk about what's there and what's not. Ah Xuan has something to do today..." Ouyang couldn't help it.

Xu Ying turned her head curiously, did you have something to do when you just came here today?

"Xiaoying...marry me..." Cheng Jiaxuan had already knelt down on one knee, and a huge black diamond shone in front of Xu Ying's eyes.

"Wow! Xiaoying! Promise quickly, the only black mysterious queen in the world!" Su Na said enviously.

Ouyang glanced at it, there was only this one, Xu Ying probably wouldn't be able to wear it at such a big age...I'll cut it up later, and get one for my Nana...

The two of them have been going around for so many years...Xu Ying has no excitement and excitement at the moment, she calmly took the diamond ring and nodded..."Okay!"

Ouyang Yuxuan looked at the calm Xu Ying, and asked unwillingly, "Why aren't you excited at all?"

Xu Ying glanced at Cheng Jiaxuan, and said calmly: "Because I know that I only belong to him in this life, and he will definitely choose me. We exist for each other..."

Nasty, of course Ouyang Yuxuan doesn't understand how Xu Ying overcomes the torments in Xu Ying's heart one by one... Hearing these words now is just too nasty.

Cheng Jiaxuan held those soft jade hands tightly, and asked softly: "Xiaoying, why don't you go see him directly later? I want to settle this matter before Ouyang's wedding..."

Xu Ying smiled slightly and nodded. After so many years of separation, she must be with him now and not be separated.

(End of this chapter)

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