Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 565 Extra Episode 2: Cheng Jiaxuan 2

Chapter 565 Extra Episode 2: Cheng Jiaxuan 2
Under Yifan's training, I quickly mastered the knowledge of shooting, ammunition, and strategy. Yifan often said that I am a member of the Cheng family, so I have a good bloodline.

Look, when I just came to the island to kill that black kid, wasn't it also a one-hit shot?
It's just that, as time goes by, I find that I hate this kind of life more and more.Yifan's mission gradually came to an end, and the number of children on the island was reduced from 20 at the beginning to 10.

Yes, those 10 children died at my hands, either by shooting, or by daggers, or by venom...even using towels in the middle of the night...where they came from, why, I don't know, but I still call a Van buried them well on the island...

The time is getting closer and closer. On the last day, I will kill all the remaining 10 children by myself, so that I can graduate... I want to leave this island, and I feel like crazy!In every inch of the air here, I can smell blood, and I can hear the begging for mercy...

Those 10 children chose their weapons first and walked into the jungle before me. Today, Yifan told me that my grandpa had given an order, either to kill them, or I would take my own life...

I can't choose where I live, but I think I can choose where I die...

Yifan opened up the arsenal and asked me to choose the weapon that was in my hand. I can choose more than those 10 children. Grandpa said, this is the advantage of wealth. I was born with an advantage over them. If this is the case, I will not be able to live anymore. Then there is no need to live...

But the blocking in front of me... bazookas, even mortars, are so huge, how can I handle them with such a small body?Is grandpa going to put me to death?I smile wryly.

After looking around, my hand finally landed on the row of exquisite steel knives.A total of 10 pieces, exactly 10 children, each with one knife... I also chose a larger dagger and stuffed it into my boots. If I die in the end, then I will also make up my mind and die in my own hands!
Yifan looked at the weapons I was holding and asked, "Are you sure you only want these?"

I nodded, with extremely firm and confident eyes, Yifan stopped talking and gave me the necessary ropes and fishing lines, and I also entered the jungle.

On the first day I entered, I found that there were not only children in the jungle, but also adults... When I watched a child's neck being broken by a tall white man under a tree, I instantly understood that I was facing more than It's those 10 children... and the killer invited by Grandpa...

Wry smile, wry smile again, how could the Cheng family pass the test with 10 children? I was too childish...too naive.

The man under the tree just killed the kid and was searching for the item, I don't think so, a bullet flew out.But the man is not a vegetarian idiot, he even caught my throwing knife with one hand!Alarm bells rang out in my heart, and I immediately pulled the fishing line into his neck, using all my strength to step on the crown of the tree with one foot, and hold on to the fishing line with the other hand...

The fishing line is too thin, even if I put a few together, my hand is still broken, the man slowly fell under the tree, I didn't care about the injury on my hand, I immediately jumped off the tree and took him For the supplies on his body, he changed to a canopy and squatted.

I am too small, my strength is small, and I am small. This is my disadvantage and my advantage, but I can use trees to kill one enemy after another... In the next few days, I have become numb... I don’t know the wound on my hand Can it still heal?
It's just scabbing again and again, cracking again and again... There is only the last flying knife left on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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