Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 574 Extra Story 11 Horror Honeymoon 1

Chapter 574 Extra Story 11 Horror Honeymoon 1
On the plane, Cheng Jiaxuan and Xu Ying were sitting in the first class cabin, listening to music.The hands of the two were tightly held together.

Although we have been together for some time, but the real life together has just begun...

"Xiaoying, are your parents coming to the Netherlands?" Cheng Jiaxuan asked gently.

Xu Ying shook her head: "Them? Now we are having fun! It seems to be in Egypt, you didn't see that they were all perfunctory when they attended our wedding, really..." Xu Ying muttered.

Cheng Jiaxuan patted Xu Ying's hand dotingly: "Your father is crying like a tearful man, how can you not be perfunctory?"

"Cut~ the plane took off that night... and said~" Xu Ying became angry when she thought of the scene on the wedding day.But her heart is still very sweet, because that day when her parents witnessed everything about her, the reassurance and comfort in their eyes were all imprinted in her eyes.

"Why don't we go to Paris after we go to Holland, and see the master by the way~ ha!" Cheng Jiaxuan joked.

"That's fine, but it looks like my uncle still has something to do. Let's go on our honeymoon first, and we'll get in touch later. Don't worry~" Xu Ying replied after thinking for a while.

Since Li Hua woke up, it was like a different person, and he no longer had the bad habits of the past.In his own words, he fell asleep and woke himself up.

Cheng Sulan was naturally happy, and of course her grandma was the happiest. After being busy all day, Li Hua wanted to see Li Xia, and the old lady immediately asked Xu Ying to go through the formalities and go to France in person...

But when Li Hua came to France and saw Li Xia's design, he immediately had an idea to introduce this brand to China. After talking with Xu Ying, Xu Ying immediately agreed. Yu Gong said that this is the time for foreign brands to settle in It is indeed a good idea to seize this opportunity, not to mention that this brand is the representative of my cousin Li Xia, and she should also help in private.

Therefore, under the cooperation of Li Hua and Li Xia, the domestic packaging of this brand was successfully completed. Now Li Hua basically runs between domestic cities and France.And Mrs. Zhao, who is Xu Ying's grandmother, simply lives in France.You want to see her?In a word, come to France.

This point made Xu Ying a little jealous. You must know that it was difficult to ask the old lady to move her nest before, but now that her son is awake, it's just a matter of words.This matter caused Xu Ying and Li Hui to complain for a while, saying that grandma was still patriarchal.But no one will really blame the old lady. After all, the son has been lying down for more than ten years. Now that he wakes up, the old man wants to see more.

"But why did you think of going to Holland this time?" Cheng Jiaxuan was still puzzled.He remembered that Xu Ying said before that she was going to the Aegean Sea.

Xu Ying took a mouthful of mango salad and said, "Well... because I have to go~ I'm afraid I won't have time in the future..."

"No time for what? Don't tell me you're going to start taking care of those businesses?" Cheng Jiaxuan narrowed his eyes dissatisfied.

"No, it's just...cough~" Xu Ying blushed and didn't know what to say.

"What is it? Let me tell you Xu Ying, if you start to take care of those businesses now, I will take care of them too, don't talk to me about big reasons!" Cheng Jiaxuan has lost his gentleness, and he will never compromise on this issue. .

Xu Ying was so angry that she didn't say anything yet, why didn't Cheng Jiaxuan listen~ Forget it, then she shouldn't say anything.

The two of them were silent for a while, and Cheng Jiaxuan couldn't help but feel guilty again when he saw Xu Ying's dejected face eating mango salad by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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