Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 580 Extra Story 17 Horror Honeymoon 7

Chapter 580 Extra Story 17 Horror Honeymoon 7
Cheng Jiaxuan grabbed Xiaoying's hand, if it wasn't for her poor health now.

He really wanted to rub her into his body and never let her run away again.

"Do you know how dangerous it is?" Cheng Jiaxuan reprimanded softly.

Of course Xu Ying knew that at that time, she thought she was going to be killed by those people... At that time, she had already prepared for the worst.

She even thought about what she would do if things happened.

"Did you already think about leaving me at that moment?" Cheng Jiaxuan saw through the sparkle in her eyes.

Xu Ying raised her hand and touched her troubled face.

"Let me tell you, Xu Ying, listen carefully, in this life, don't even think about leaving me!" Cheng Jiaxuan looked at the sick Xu Ying with firm eyes, "Even if something really happened today, I'm still that The only one who knows your little secret..."

The kiss fell on the back of the hand little by little.

Gentle, as soft as a feather, but the last bitterness and a little bit of panic in Xu Ying's heart disappeared.

"But..." Xu Ying saw the blood on her leg when she knew she lost consciousness.

Hands unconsciously placed on his stomach.

"Here, the doctor said the child is gone!" Cheng Jiaxuan said halfway, seeing the sadness in Xu Ying's eyes, immediately heartbroken, and quickly added: "If you don't take a good rest, listen to my husband!"

"Huh?" Xu Ying was a little surprised, adjusted her mood again and touched her stomach, the faint heartbeat came through her hands.

I'm such a stupid mother, I can't even tell if the child is there or not...

Xu Ying cursed herself annoyed, but what came back was boundless joy!

"Yo, I feel numb when I wake up, is it sour?" Ouyang opened the door and came in, and saw two people holding hands tightly, expressing affection there.

Xu Ying turned her head shyly.

"How can you and Nana be sour, I survived a catastrophe, you know!" Xu Ying also returned to Ouyang Yuxuan without hesitation.

"Oh, it's alright, Xiaoying, let's drink some soup, the doctor said, you have to make up for it!" Su Na walked in and took out the soup she had boiled all afternoon.

Cheng Jiaxuan felt guilty for a while, he just stared at Xiaoying, forgetting that the doctor said to take a good rest, he didn't even think about eating.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ouyang Yuxuan and Su Na with a big thank you.

Ouyang Yuxuan patted Cheng Jiaxuan on the shoulder, brothers don't need too many words.

"Xiaoying, just woke up, I know you don't want to eat, but for your son, you have to eat!" Su Na took out the prepared side dishes, filled a bowl of soup, and put them all in front of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's gaze towards Su Na was also grateful.

It is impossible for my mother and the others to know about this matter, but it has delayed Su Na and the others' honeymoon...

Eating that delicious meal warmly in her heart, Xu Ying felt that this world is really beautiful...

"Then how is Cao Meimei?" Cheng Jiaxuan asked after seeing Xu Ying finish eating.

He knew that she must also want to know.

Ouyang Yuxuan frowned slightly and said, "Crazy...I've been sent to the Dawston Mental Sanatorium..."

Cheng Jiaxuan frowned, isn't this a little too cheap for her?
"One more thing..." Ouyang Yuxuan continued, "She's not Cao Meimei!"

This sentence made Cheng Jiaxuan and Xu Ying startled.

"No?" Cheng Jiaxuan glanced at Xu Ying and questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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