Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 585 Abandoned chapter

Chapter 585 Abandoned Chapter
The referee in the field suddenly didn't know what to do. He never thought that Leng Tianzi would defeat Miss Shen's family. You know, among the descendants of the four great families, apart from the son of the Qin family, Miss Shen's family is the most talented, but today It actually made that trash Leng Tianzi vomit blood from the beating.

Shen Peizhen refused to accept, and wanted to struggle to get up, but the aura blasted by Leng Tianzi just now was not at the same level as hers, she would be burnt inside, how could she have the strength to get up.

Thinking of what she was about to face, Shen Peizhen was so annoyed that she simply fainted on the ring and was carried down.

The moment she lifted it down, Leng Tianzi rolled her eyes and shouted, "Miss Shen, remember to watch the sun in the west tomorrow!"

Shen Peizhen became dizzy even more when she heard it.

Leng Tianzi glanced around, and the people who laughed just now were silent, but she was impatient, and said impatiently: "Who can decide things!"

No one expected it to be like this, in other words, no one expected that the trash Leng Tianzi stood on the stage and Shen Peizhen stepped off the stage!
(End of this chapter)

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