Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 592 Abandoned chapter

Chapter 592 Abandoned Chapter
It turned out that no matter how she changed her appearance, he would eventually fall for her. In the past, she was stunning, and he thought he just liked her beauty, but he didn't know that because of those clear and lively eyes, he fell in love with her again and again. Changed the rules when I founded Lingyun Pavilion.

Later, when he realized his "gaffe", every time he finished helping her, he would deliberately say that he would ask her to do him a favor in the future, and ask her to agree to his conditions in the future, but after many times, he found that he was actually a little perverted What he likes to help her in this way is to make her owe him more and more. This feeling actually makes him extremely satisfied, even more exciting and happy than getting an important piece of information, or even eradicating a henchman of the prince or the fourth prince.

He has been troubled, he has hesitated, he has also thought about just silently watching her every move in the dark, watching her rise from Liyue, and almost dying for a down-and-out prince whom he only knew for a short time, and later even at the expense of himself Because of her innocent reputation, she helped Long Zhentian get to the top position, but what made him feel confused was that this woman did all these things just to help her friend.

(End of this chapter)

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