Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 602 Abandoned chapter

Chapter 602 Abandoned Chapter
Yunfei didn't speak, just hummed.He is an outsider who doesn't talk too much about royal affairs, not to mention that Leng Yuxi in front of him is a pervert!
Leng Yuxi saw that Yunfei didn't respond to him, and didn't talk about this topic, so he asked instead: "I heard you have an extra junior sister?"

Yunfei glanced at Leng Yuxi, nodded, and said, "Yes, the third lady of the Ling Mansion!"

"The third lady of Ling's mansion? Hahahaha!" Leng Yuxi laughed.

Yunfei didn't know why Leng Yuxi laughed, but just looked at Leng Yuxi coldly.

"Don't you know why I'm laughing? Brother Yunfei, you are really lucky. Who is not good to be a junior sister, but it's the third lady of the Ling mansion?"

"What's wrong with her?" Yun Fei thought of those calm eyes during the day.

"What's the problem? Brother Yunfei, you are really different from ordinary people. The third lady of Ling's mansion is notoriously ugly. Don't you feel uncomfortable every time you confront me?" Leng Yuxi stared at Yunfei's face. expression.

ugly?ugly?Compared to the handsome prince Leng Yuxi in front of her, she isn't ugly at all, is she?
"I don't think so, but I think she is much prettier than the lord!" Yun Fei ruthlessly gave Leng Yuxi a bad face.

Leng Yuxi was speechless for a long time, "Looks good? Then Wang will go to see tomorrow. Is this third lady as ugly as the outside rumors, or is she prettier than me as Brother Yunfei said?"

(End of this chapter)

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