Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 658 Small Theater

Chapter 658 Small Theater

Zi Yueying froze in place, the look on her face immersed in the beautiful future she had woven disappeared in an instant.

"You... what did you say?" Zi Yueying hoped that she had heard it wrong.

"I said!" Amber said seriously, "I won't help you! I won't help you this time!"

"What!!" Zi Yueying felt that hope was in front of her eyes, but was instantly turned into a dream bubble: "What did you say?!"

In an instant, the smell of blood in the Hall of Mental Cultivation roiled, and even though no windows were opened, a wind blew up instantly, sweeping up everything in the hall.

Dolan looked at the crazy Ziyueying in front of him and shouted angrily: "Ziyueying, why do you ask Hu Po to help you? What's wrong with you if you're not busy!?"

Ziyueying's purple eyes looked at Dolan who was talking, this kid has been by Amber's side all the time, um, very good!
(End of this chapter)

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