Rebirth of the best loli

Chapter 685 Small Theater

Chapter 685 Small Theater

It was extremely cold at the mountain gate at night, but Tianzi felt like she was on fire because of the cold weather. Of course, it was definitely not because of the stinky hooligan behind her, but because of her own anger. How could she miss that shot? Otherwise, this society itself would not be insulted like this!

"If you continue, I don't mind if you and I go to hell together!" Leng Tianzi closed her eyes, wishing she could chop off those salty pig's hands on her chest in the next second.

The man behind him was slightly taken aback, wondering if he was really scared, but in the next second, the hand that was supposed to wrap Leng Tianzi loosened.

The laser light in Leng Tianzi's hands turned around without hesitation and faced the cheap man behind him.

The man raised his hands, and the cold moon's light was still imprinted on the Senhan dagger in his hand, and he said with a smile: "Miss Leng, girls should be gentle, so rough, be careful that no one will like it!"

"Hmph, it's better if no one likes it than being liked by a pig!" Leng Tianzi sneered.

However, after saying this, the pink object in Leng Tianzi's space, which had been motionless for a long time, trembled slightly.

Leng Tianzi focused all her attention in front of her eyes, where did she notice Zhuzhu's reaction? Now she is not sure if the man in front of her is the guy who kidnapped Ruomei, or what is the relationship between the two?
This man kept appearing around her, at first she just didn't care, but after Ruomei disappeared and Yikong was seriously injured, she didn't dare to neglect him.

(End of this chapter)

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