Chapter 106 She Is My Ex-wife

Although he hasn't been back to school for a while, he still remembers Lu An Yunge who went to the dean's office.So there was no need for anyone to lead the way, An Yunge walked slowly towards the dean's office by himself.At this time, it should be the time for class, and there are not many juniors and juniors encountered on the road.

However, everyone who met An Yunge would look at her involuntarily, with an unconcealable astonishment on her face, and some courageous school girls came forward to ask An Yunge if she was a star, and they could sign her Do you take a photo with me?This made An Yunge dumbfounded.

But this kind of phenomenon is very normal, let's not talk about the temperament, An Yunge's face is really beautiful, as beautiful as the bright moon in the sky, but the temperament is very gentle, like the jasmine in the campus, People can't help but want to get close.In the eyes of the students, only stars on TV can be so beautiful?And even the stars on TV, some are not as beautiful as An Yunge?

However, those juniors who were looking at An Yunge not far away were not as bold as the juniors. After all, they were still a little shy in the face of a strange beauty, but they didn't leave. They all stood in place and looked at An Yunge. .

The schoolgirls nowadays are really bold. An Yunge feels that she is getting old. Back then, there were plenty of star chasing girls in their era, but there were no such bold ones.Seeing that there were more and more people watching, An Yunge didn't want to be regarded as an object of onlookers, so he greeted the school girls and ran away.

Fortunately, the dean's office location has not changed. When he arrived at the college's office building, no one followed him.After all, it is the office building of the college. No matter how presumptuous the students are, they dare not make trouble here. After all, the dean is not so easy to talk to.After entering the office building, An Yunge explained her purpose of coming, and someone led her towards the dean's office.

Arrived at the dean's office, but the dean was not in the office, the teacher who received An Yunge told An Yunge to wait, he went out and asked where the dean was?An Yunge nodded, expressing that she was not in a hurry, she could wait for the dean to come back.

Not long after the teacher left, the voices of several people came from outside the dean's room. Although they couldn't hear what the other party said, the voices were somewhat familiar.After a while, the door of the dean's room was pushed open, and it was the dean who came in first. An Yunge quickly stood up from the sofa, and shouted with a smile, "Dean."

The dean was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect someone to be in the office at this time, but when he found out that it was An Yunge, he immediately smiled and said quickly, "It turned out to be Yunge. I haven't seen you again, you girl is really cruel, I don't know how to come back to see me, old man. By the way, how is your brother?"

The dean of K University is notoriously unsmiling, not because of his personality, but because he is a soldier, so his aura gives people the impression of being very serious, so the person K students are most afraid of is not the teaching office The dean, but the dean.Apart from other things, the dean looked at them with a serious face, and they couldn't bear it.

In fact, the dean is a very harmonious old man in private, but he usually doesn't like to laugh, and looks like a straight face, so the students are afraid of him.The reason why An Yunge is so familiar with the dean is mainly because of the relationship with the dean. At that time, the dean was their tutor when they went abroad, and An Yunge studied with the dean for a while.In addition to the first time, there is another reason that no one knows, that is, the dean is actually Xiao Yan's uncle, that is, the brother of Xiao's mother's father.

After An Yunge and Xiao Yan became good best friends, their relationship with the dean naturally improved a lot.In fact, there is another reason that An Yunge didn't know. The dean always thought that An Yunge was Xiao Yan's girlfriend, and told Mother Xiao about it, and praised An Yunge in front of Mother Xiao. Fan, this is why mother Xiao loves An Yunge so much.

"My brother is fine, but to be honest, I haven't seen him for a while, but you are getting younger and younger, Dean. By the way, this is your favorite tea." An Yunge quickly said The prepared gift was handed to the dean, which made the old man very happy.Although the dean wanted to have a chat with An Yunge, he didn't forget the business. Was there a guest behind him?

"Yunge, I'm very glad you came to see me. But I have something to talk about in the college, why don't you wait for me outside for a while." The dean has already walked into the office, but he followed him into the office. The two people running the company left An Yunge stunned.No wonder An Yunge felt the voice was familiar, because the ones following the dean were none other than He Jun and Ren Xinchen.

An Yunge did not expect that they would meet on such an occasion, and felt a little embarrassed.He Jun looked very calm, as if he didn't see An Yunge, he went straight to the sofa next to An Yunge's right hand and sat down.Ren Xinchen showed a little excitement when he saw An Yunge, probably because he still wanted to ask about He Xin's whereabouts from her.

"Dean, since you have guests, please find someone to take me to see the site where the library is going to be built. I'll come to you to discuss the design plans with you after you finish talking later." An Yunge didn't want to be called Ren Xinchen clung to him, stood up quickly, expressed his intention of coming this time, and planned to leave.

"Wait, Yun Ge, are you the person in charge of the architectural design of the library? What about Xiao Yan, didn't you agree that he would be in charge?" The dean was slightly taken aback. He heard that Xiao Yan Someone from their company wanted to come to see the venue, but he didn't expect that the person who came was An Yunge. He thought that An Yunge came to see him by chance?

"Dean, please don't blame him." An Yunge couldn't tell the dean that Xiao Yan had been missing for several days. He might have forgotten about it. "The main reason is that I snatched this project after I saw it. I also want to make some contributions to the college. Let alone, dean, you are busy first, and we can talk slowly later."

"Okay, I don't know Xiao Yan's temperament yet? You don't want to speak up for him. But I didn't expect you, a girl, to be the person in charge of this architectural design?" The dean thought thoughtfully, Suddenly, he seemed to have figured something out, and said to An Yunge with an ambiguous expression, "That kid has a conscience, and I would be angry if I knew that if he didn't come, someone else would be in charge, so I'm looking for you."

An Yunge heard the implication in the dean's words, but just smiled and did not answer.The dean planned to introduce He Jun and An Yunge to each other, but He Jun stopped the dean, seemingly unintentionally, and said, "Dean, don't you know that Yun Ge is my ex-wife?"

 Recently, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I can't eat well, I can't sleep well, and I have no motivation to code. QAQ Babies, be careful not to suffer from heat stroke... -
(End of this chapter)

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