Chapter 113 Mysterious Woman
An Yunge said that she was very helpless, she was just kind enough to help out at will, who knew that the five poisonous girl was her master's new love.Then, because of An Yunge's behavior, his new teacher's wife greatly increased her affection for her, so she apologized to He Jun that night, and wanted to die with him because she fell in love with his apprentice, An Yunge.

In fact, this is not to blame for An Yunge, He Jun has been heartbroken since the YY confession incident last time, and feels that his own peach blossoms are in conflict with those of his disciples.So even if he found a new relationship, he never introduced him to An Yunge.An Yunge didn't know her new teacher's wife, that's why she kindly helped her this time.

In fact, the death of Little Sister Wudu and He Jun's death was not entirely due to An Yunge's reasons, He Jun took a large part of the responsibility.The girl who plays games is looking for love because she hopes to have someone who can play with her and do tasks with her.But He Jun is good. He always mixes up in gang battles, alliance battles, and battlefields. Although he is single-handed, group fights are still good. In addition, he has a high combat power and has the alliance's big tits and blood behind him. He rushed into the crowd, and with a single killing intent, he knocked out the opponent's trumpets in seconds.

In addition, He Jun is a local tyrant, and he buys burden-reducing orders every day and directly uses the brand, so he doesn't have to do those tasks himself.Every time the little sister Wudu invited He Jun to go with her, He Jun said that he was done.If the little sister of five poisons gets angry, He Jun will simply buy her a bunch of brands and ask her to complete the task by using the brands, so that he doesn't need to accompany her anymore.

It has to be said that describing He Jun's affection as zero is a compliment.Most of the girls who play games don't like to fight and kill. They just hope to have someone to accompany them to see the scenery, run around the small tasks and plots in the game by themselves, it seems more fun and easy to pass the time.What's the point of letting her play brand now without doing it herself.Little sister Wudu told He Jun about this several times, but He Jun didn't pay much attention.After An Yunge's little trigger incident, He Jun fell in love again.

After learning that He Jun was killed in love again, Shui Se Qingqing was very excited and said that he deserved it, and was also very happy that there is always a girl who experienced her pain back then, so that the majority of girls can see the true face behind the great god He Jun, that is A big ZZ (mentally retarded) with extremely low EQ.

After Wudu little sister and He Jun died of love, I don't know why He Jun's love luck has dropped a lot, probably because other girls learned about He Jun's EQ from Wudu little sister.On the other hand, An Yunge's popularity is getting higher and higher, and He Jun is responsible for organizing the militants in the alliance to fight, and An Yunge is responsible for leading the girls in various daily tasks.

One outside, one inside.If it weren't for the well-known master-student relationship between He Jun and An Yunge, plus the rumors of An Yunge being a monster, everyone would think that they were a match made in heaven.After all, after getting along for so long, only An Yunge could stand He Jun's convulsive character.And after He Jun got into trouble, An Yunge could calmly help him solve it.

If you say that the person you can't mess with in the alliance is An Yunge, it's not that An Yunge is so scary, but that if someone says something bad about An Yunge, then what he will face is the entire alliance girl crusade.Regarding this point, many people strongly expressed their envy, jealousy and hatred in front of An Yunge.For this reason, many people approached An Yunge for an appointment, but they were basically beaten to the ground by An Yunge.

More male players who have a relationship, they all take good care of their relationship. Otherwise, if they get in touch with An Yunge, they are afraid that if they are not careful, they will die of love like He Jun. An Yunge expressed helplessness about this , very eager to prove his identity urgently, but every time he went to YY, he couldn't open his mouth again.

The world of the game is still the same, but the relationship between An Yunge and He Jun is getting better and better. Even if An Yunge caused him to die in love, he just complained a few words and didn't mean to blame An Yunge.In reality, An Yunge's library design has already been approved. On the day when the construction officially started, He Jun still came to the site, but the two of them didn't see each other. left.

That day, An Yunge was correcting documents in the office, when he suddenly received a call from his best friend Yao Yao, saying that after returning to China, An Yunge would not have time to meet her.Because of Su Yun's relationship with his sister-in-law, An Yunge often saw her when he returned home.But didn't you hear that Yao Yao and Shen An went to revisit their honeymoon trip and came back so soon?
However, An Yunge connected the phone quickly, and Yao Yao's voice came from the phone.She came to inform An Yunge to attend Shen Zhiyi's birthday party (Shen Zhiyi: Yao Yao's son).An Yunge looked at the calendar on the computer, he didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, and tomorrow was the little devil's birthday.

An Yunge would definitely go to her nephew's birthday party.Although this child is naughty, he is still very cute.Fortunately, Yao Yao notified her in advance, otherwise she would not have time to buy gifts.After confirming the venue of the birthday party with Yao Yao, they ended the call.

Seeing that there was still half a day left, An Yunge hurriedly told the secretary that she had something to do in the afternoon, and left the company directly.When they arrived at the building in the city center, An Yunge encountered a difficulty.The little girl's gift was easy to choose, but the little boy's gift An Yunge really didn't have any ideas, so he had no choice but to call Xiao Yan and ask him what gift he wanted when he was a child.

Xiao Yan was still very reliable, he asked An Yunge if he knew what Shen Zhiyi was usually interested in, and he just had to follow what he liked.An Yunge thought for a while, then called Su Yun to ask about Shen Zhiyi's preferences, and finally had a bottom line in his mind.After successfully buying the gift, An Yunge was walking towards the parking lot when he suddenly noticed He Jun and a girl walking into the building talking and laughing.

Because of the distance, An Yunge couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but judging from her figure, she should be a very pretty beauty.An Yunge's heart sank, and he realized that He Jun and the others seemed to be walking in his direction. In order to avoid the embarrassment of bumping into each other, An Yunge hurriedly avoided and left.

An Yunge couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when He Jun and the girl were no longer in sight.Suddenly felt a little sad in his heart, it seems that He Jun should have someone he likes?Because An Yunge knew He Jun well, he was the kind of person who would never go out or meet you in private if he didn't like you.

 Because the backstage is convulsed...QAQ Yanzi's timing is inexplicably updated by one more chapter, and even if it is 113, it is 114, and I am also drunk. This content is an invitation to the 113th chapter's birthday party.

  I'm speechless...I'm afraid I can't change it. I can only ask the editor on Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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