Chapter 126 Sold by Master

The 1V1 game is over, and everyone seems to be a little unsatisfied. Next, there will be team and gang battles. Players who have not achieved good results in 1V1 have said that they are just warming up in 1V1. Let the opponent wait until the team battle to find them Settle the accounts and let the other party see their true strength.

Everyone in the alliance is a joker, all of a sudden, the alliance channel is full of jokes, what is a man, talk in group fights, whoever fights you single-handedly; what else do you want to experience the feeling of flying?The young man is waiting for Ben Shenwei's blast gun; whoever dares to call us Taibai dog again will tell you to walk on your stomach in a while; you only saw our Tianxiang's umbrella, today I will show you our Tianxiang's sword......

The various gangs also began to mobilize the gang members, discuss tactics, and soon reported who was the spy of which gang in the alliance, and even opened a trumpet to their gang to eavesdrop.The alliance was extremely lively again. Although An Yunge could not participate in the team battle, An Yunge could still participate in Moran's gang battle, but the specific arrangements were in charge of the big gang leader Shui Seqingqing.

Gang battles are still going to take a while, so the priority is team battles. The two modes of 3V3 or 5V5 are chosen by both parties at random, and because it is a big melee, there is no need for commentary at all. In the end, only which team is left on the stage People, it means that the team won.

Needless to say, Bai Ye was also happy and relaxed, and also dragged Yu Xiang, Geek, Gu Shili and others to sign up for the 5V5 competition, not to mention other things, but the reward for winning the competition is still very exciting.Although the rewards for 5V5 are not as good as 1V1, I heard that the winning team will also receive a mysterious reward from He Jun.And He Jun didn't even mention this reward to An Yunge, so she was still a little curious?
All the rewards of the competition will not be issued one by one until all the competitions are over. Anyway, there will be no mistakes or omissions if there is Shui Qingqing to register.As an idler in this game, An Yunge could only look at this group of people excitedly.Thinking of the reason why this group of people didn't allow me to participate, I couldn't help but feel a little bit worried. Could it be her fault that the operation was good.

An Yunge stood alone in the corner, while Gui Hai Yidao was dragged away by San San long ago.Ever since the two established a romantic relationship, Sansan completely forgot about her as a master.And now Sansan is being led badly by Shui Seqingqing and the others, sometimes her teeth become sharp, and even An Yunge can be choked by her.

It seems that my cute little apprentice who has been chasing after me sweetly calling me master is gone forever.An Yunge couldn't help feeling a little emotional, but she was also happy for Sansan, because now she can completely be herself.The little love for An Yunge at the beginning disappeared after encountering Gui Hai's knife.Sansan also understands that that feeling is not love, but dependence and gratitude.

The team competition has already started, and there are not too many registered teams. After all, it is a competition of several people, and tacit cooperation is still required.An Yunge watched the battle alone in the corner, and couldn't help but adjust the camera to look at the audience. Her master didn't seem to be there?Speaking of which, He Jun hadn't seen him since the first appearance.And Mingmei seems to have disappeared, so they should be together.

When An Yunge was debating whether to go to the two of them, there was no wind, moon or sunshine, but he walked towards her, and stayed beside An Yunge silently.An Yunge remembered that neither Fengyue nor Qing also participated in the team battle, and it was in Bai Ye's team.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Didn't you sign up for the team competition, why do you still have time to be lazy here?

[Private chat] There is no wind, moon and sunshine: the fight is over, and now it is the second batch.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Well, come on for the team battle.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, An Yunge didn't know what to say to He Wufengyue and Wuqing?After all, although she just lost the 1V1 match just because of luck, it can be seen that she is a little disappointed.An Yunge didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only dryly tell her to come on.

[Private chat] There is neither wind, moon nor sunshine: I'm sorry.

[Private chat] Yunyun Yishuijian:? ? ? , why do you have to apologize to me?
[Private chat] There is no wind, moon and sunshine: because I lost you, I'm sorry, Brother Yun.

lost?What does this mean, An Yunge is really confused at the moment, what did this girl do, she said that she lost...

[Private Chat] Yunyun Yishuijian: Lost?What does it mean?
This time it was Wufengyue and Wuqing's turn to be surprised, could it be that An Yunge didn't understand what she said?So neither Fengyue nor Qing began to explain to An Yunge, saying that there is a mysterious reward for the strongest in this 1V1 competition?And that mysterious reward was An Yunge himself.

It is for this reason that neither Fengyue nor Wuqing participated in the 1V1 competition. For this reason, she even bought Yue Feng, who played against her in the semi-finals, and had already discussed with the freak. Let them let themselves go.Unexpectedly, Nanfeng Zhiwu suddenly popped up halfway, and judging by her appearance, the purpose of participating in the competition should be the same as neither Fengyue nor Qing.

The guessing of odd and even in the last game was proposed by Nanfeng knowingly. Neither of them has the determination to win against each other, so it is all determined by luck anyway, so they simply bet on various luck at the beginning Well, who knew that he actually lost, neither Fengyue nor Qing, the reason why he lost was not because he lost the title of strongest, but because he lost An Yunge.

After listening to neither Fengyue nor Qing's explanation, An Yunge took a deep breath silently, no need to guess, she also knew who came up with such absurd reward, it must have something to do with her master, no wonder this mysterious award Why didn't she even tell her the reward?The emotional mystery grand prize is herself.

However, neither Fengyue nor Qing also explained to An Yunge that this mysterious reward was voted out based on the inner needs of the players in the alliance.Male players and female players choose differently, and the result of female players' votes is that they want to be An Yunge's love.Having said that, who can tell her who put her in the option of the mysterious prize.

Needless to say, An Yunge also guessed the culprit. If no one put her in the option of the mystery contest, how could such a ridiculous option appear.What do all the female players in the league want? An Yunge thinks that He Jun wants to punish her on purpose. It must be because he injured his hand last time. He saw He Jun being beaten in the wild and didn't help him, so this stingy master wrote it down. hatred.

It's fine that he was sold as a reward by He Jun for no reason, because it was obvious that it was just a joke by He Jun.But if other girls are really serious, it will be embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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