Chapter 144
In fact, He Jun was also very disturbed in his heart, including this confession, he had actually thought about it for a long time.It's just that He Jun felt that what Ren Xinchen said was right, he couldn't procrastinate any longer.

If it hadn't been for his apprentice to reveal his identity this time, He Jun might have always mistook her for a ladyboy, and they would have missed her like this.

He Jun had already missed it once, and he didn't want to miss it a second time.So he simply confessed his confession, anyway sooner or later he would have to confess, he hoped that his apprentice would understand his intentions.

After the confession was over, He Jun originally thought that An Yunge would ask him something, such as why he liked her, but He Jun had already thought of the answer.

But what He Jun didn't expect was that An Yunge was silent. YY is too quiet, so quiet that He Jun can only hear his own heartbeat.Because An Yunge was silent, He Jun couldn't know what she was thinking.

After all, this is not a face-to-face confession, and you can also know the other party's thoughts through the expression of the other party. At this time, He Jun can only judge her mood from An Yunge's tone.

And An Yunge kept silent, He Jun suddenly felt a little panicked, and began to reflect, was he too anxious and scared his apprentice?

In fact, it's not that An Yunge didn't want to answer, but that she didn't know how to answer. It should be said that she was shocked by He Jun's sudden confession.She never thought that He Jun would like her, after all, he never showed it in the game.

In the past, He Jun had always misunderstood that she was a shemale. When did He Jun start to like her?An Yunge really can't figure it out?
Although An Yunge has always liked He Jun and was able to like her, from the game to reality, He Jun's confession today should be the result of her pursuit, but I don't know why An Yunge just can't be happy.

On the contrary, An Yunge was still a little disappointed. If He Jun really liked the self he had never met in the game, then it proved that he really didn't like the self in reality.

If he was not his disciple and the owner of this number was a strange girl, would He Jun also like her?
Women in love are indeed full of wild thoughts, and so is An Yunge.In the face of He Jun's confession, she suddenly faltered.In the end, An Yunge quit YY and the game without saying anything.

When An Yunge withdrew, He Jun panicked even more. He thought that An Yunge was scared away by his confession.He Jun originally wanted to explain to An Yunge, but found that he didn't seem to have the contact information of his apprentice.

Not to mention the phone number, even QQ and WeChat have not been added, the only contact is YY, but now that his apprentice's YY has been downloaded, He Jun suddenly feels that his master has failed...

An Yunge had already logged off, and He Jun had nothing to worry about in the game, so he also logged off.After logging off, He Jun realized that it was only past eight o'clock, which can be said to be the earliest time he logged off.

He Jun felt a little uncomfortable, so he called Ren Xinchen to come out for a drink.

Because of He Xin, Ren Xinchen hadn't been to a bar for a long time.Even if He Jun invites him out for a drink now, it's just looking for a very clean tavern.

When Ren Xinchen arrived, He Jun had already started drinking on his own. From this appearance, he must be getting himself drunk.

As soon as Ren Xinchen arrived, He Jun quickly asked him to drink with him.Ren Xinchen took the glass, but didn't drink it. He didn't forget the purpose of his visit.

With He Jun's appearance, one could tell what had happened?Ren Xinchen quickly asked him what's wrong?He Jun then told Ren Xinchen about his confession to his apprentice in the game and his apprentice's attitude.

The reason why He Jun was so depressed was because he thought that he should have been rejected by his disciples.It was hard for the iron tree to bloom once, but it died before it produced any fruit. Naturally, I felt uncomfortable.

After hearing He Jun's description, Ren Xinchen had a different opinion.So he directly grabbed He Jun's wine bottle and began to analyze the situation for him.

After hearing Ren Xinchen's analysis, He Jun's eyes began to light up again.

On the other side, after An Yunge played the game, he was also very distressed.But as soon as she got hot-headed, she went offline directly, and now she doesn't know what He Jun should think?

An Yunge wanted to climb up the game again to have a look, but he didn't have the guts anymore.Just when she was extremely distressed, Yue Le suddenly called her.

As soon as she received Yue Le's call, An Yunge seemed to have found a savior, and quickly told Yue Le all her troubles.

Yue Le was silent on the phone for a while, and then told An Yunge directly that she was a typical cocoon, which was purely delusional.

It really is love that makes people blind, Yue Le asked An Yunge back, saying that He Jun could not be the game character who likes her, he must like the person behind the game character.

Then they belonged to online dating. Without meeting each other, it was only An Yunge's character that attracted He Jun.If someone else played this account, would she have the same personality as An Yunge?
After Yue Le woke up for a while, An Yunge suddenly realized that it was really her who made things complicated and involved herself in it.

No matter what, the object of He Jun's confession is himself.Taking a step back, how can there be so many ifs in this world...

Seeing that An Yunge had already figured it out, Yue Yue continued to advise her, telling her not to agree to He Jun easily, and it's good to hang on to him for a while, so that he can learn to cherish it.

An Yunge quickly agreed, and the relationship matter had been settled, Yue Le told An Yunge the main purpose of his call, that he and He Xin would be back next week.

Yue Le said that he would continue to contact An Yunge the day he came back, but told An Yunge not to tell anyone.As for what she told Yue Le about Ren Xinchen last time, Yue Le hoped that An Yunge could tell He Xin the truth.

Regardless of the ending, this is He Xin's business, and it should be her own choice.

After explaining these things, An Yunge felt that Yue Le should have something else to tell him, but the other party just kept silent for a while, then sighed a long time, and hung up the phone.

After Yue Le hung up the phone, An Yunge suddenly realized, did Yue Le want to ask about Xiao Yan in the end?

Obviously both sides have love, but do they have to torture each other like this?Just because of those worldly eyes?An Yunge couldn't accept it.

After solving He Xin's matter, An Yunge decided to help Xiao Yan and Yue Le no matter whether Yue Le would blame her or not.

 When QAQ girls fall in love, it is really easy to think too much...

  For example, if you have a cold, your boyfriend says to drink more hot water, which is actually a sense of concern, but girls will be very unhappy, thinking that your boyfriend doesn’t love you anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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